'Bad for America': Internet blasts 'corrupt' Nikki Haley over advice about Trump to Republican voters

'Bad for America': Internet blasts 'corrupt' Nikki Haley over advice about Trump to Republican voters
Nikki Haley has now returned to her critical position after realizing that Donald Trump and his big poll advantage are preventing her from receiving the Republican 2024 nominee (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON: Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, opposed Donald Trump's proposal to prohibit Muslim visitors from entering the country. After that, she accepted a position in his office.

She has now returned to her critical position after realizing that the former president and his big poll advantage are preventing her from receiving the Republican 2024 nominee.

Nikki Haley offers advice about Donald Trump to Republican voters

During an interview with CNN's Dana Bash, Haley said, "Let me just say this, you know, anti-Trumpers, don't think I hate Trump enough. Pro-Trumpers, don't think I love Trump enough. What you see is what you get. I just call it like I see it and wouldn’t it be nice if you weren’t gauged on whether you love or hate somebody, and instead where you think the country should go?"

Her remarks highlight the conundrum that she and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are facing in their efforts to defeat Trump as the front-runner for the Republican nomination in 2024. Haley has spent the last few weeks traveling. Due to her strong debate performances, the former UN ambassador has experienced an increase in her poll numbers.

As the clock runs down to the Iowa caucuses in 30 days, which will be the first opportunity for Republicans to select their nominee, she has also benefited from several significant endorsements, the most notable of which came from the well-liked governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, last week.

She also seemed irritated by the fact that her position on Trump often makes news.

"The media loves to sit there and say, 'But you're not hating them enough' or 'You’re not loving him enough.' Look, at the end of the day, I look at it policy by policy," Haley said. 

Internet trolls Nikki Haley for her advice

Supporters of Donald Trump on social media platform Truth Social ended up trolling Nikki Haley. A user wrote, "Haley is corrupt and bad for America" while another wrote, "Nikki, no one likes you except the war profiteers."

Another person added, "Nikki Haley is another uniparty hack! Only Trump can save our republic and restore our rights", whereas one added, "Haley is a globalist and her policies will destroy America."

A person also mentioned, "Haley is a globalist, bought & paid for & will do what she’s told if she gets in office."

A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (Truth Social)

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