Caylee Anthony death: Investigator reveals how mother Casey Anthony's car reeked of decomposition

Caylee Anthony death: Investigator slams mother Casey Anthony as he reveals how her car reeked of decomposition
Casey Anthony was acquitted of her daughter Caylee's murder in 2011 (Today/ YouTube/Getty Images)

ORLANDO, FLORIDA: In a chilling revelation, a retired crime scene investigator, Gerardo Bloise, who played a pivotal role in the Casey Anthony case, has come forward to expose shocking details about the odor of death emanating from Casey's car during the investigation into the death of her daughter, Caylee Anthony.

The forensic investigator claims that the stench was "overwhelming," underscoring the disturbing circumstances surrounding the high-profile case.

ORLANDO, FL - JULY 17: (EDITORS NOTE: Retransmission with alternate crop.) Casey Anthony leaves from
Casey Anthony (Getty Images)

Timeline of Caylee Anthony's tragic murder

Casey, once dubbed the most hated mother in America, faced accusations of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, in 2008. Prosecutors alleged that she used chloroform on her daughter, duct-taping her nose and mouth to suffocate her before discarding her body in a swamp near her parents' home in Orlando, Florida.

According to Bloise, who analyzed Casey's car and identified Caylee's remains, the smell of decomposition was immediately noticeable upon opening the car doors. "I put the vehicle in the garage, and when I opened the driver's door, man, that blast hit me and I immediately recognized the smell. I've been dealing with decomposing bodies for years," said Bloise.

"When I opened the passenger's door, that smell hit me again. But it was even worse when I opened the trunk. That's when I knew there was a body inside this car [at one time] and it had been in the trunk," The Sun reported. The investigator conveyed his findings to detectives, leading to a comprehensive examination of the vehicle over the next three months.

Bloise's findings seemed to align with a cadaver dog alerting on the trunk of Casey's car and in the backyard of her parents' home. Analysis of the trunk's lining tested positive for a high concentration of chloroform, a substance considered unusual in such quantities.

During the investigation, Bloise also discovered a single hair resembling Caylee's, showing signs of decomposition. While the hair was not definitively linked to her daughter, DNA testing confirmed it belonged to a light-haired relative on the mother's side of the family.

Investigator alleges Casey Anthony's involvement in daughter's death

"In my opinion, based on what we found inside the car, what investigators found on Casey's computer [...] it's common sense that Casey was behind this," alleged the investigator. He maintains that the mother accidentally administered a fatal dose of chloroform to Caylee in an attempt to make her sleep, allowing the mother to pursue a more carefree lifestyle.

Bloise contends that the little girl's death was an accidental overdose, leading Casey to concoct a series of lies to escape legal consequences. Despite overwhelming evidence presented by investigators, she was acquitted of all charges in a highly publicized and controversial trial in 2011.

Bloise expressed disappointment in the outcome, believing that the state's case had been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

"There was more than enough evidence to find her guilty, " he said. "When I look at the problem with this case, I think we proved it. We proved the case, we had a lot of evidence - overwhelming evidence - and what bothers me is that the jurors made the wrong decision and that Caylee never got justice."

The verdict sent shockwaves globally and left many questioning the justice system's handling of the case. In the aftermath of the trial, the mother continues to maintain her innocence, denying any involvement in her daughter's death.

Bloise, who recently published a book on the Casey investigation, voices his concerns about the lack of justice for Caylee and the impact on her grieving family.

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