'Chance to make a difference': Tammy Bruce blames Biden for 'every horrible thing', says Trump can save US

'Chance to make a difference': Tammy Bruce blames Biden for 'every horrible thing', says Trump can save US
Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce declared on Sean Hannity's show that Biden's influence is undeniable, albeit for wrong reasons (Fornews/Getty images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce recently made headlines with a startling proclamation: "The world did end because of Joe Biden."

This bold assertion was delivered during a segment on Sean Hannity's show, where Bruce discussed President Biden's absence from TIME magazine's list of 100 Most Influential People.

Hannity pointed out Biden's notable omission from the list, despite his previous appearances in the past three years. He also referenced a story Biden shared about his late Uncle Bosie, who vanished in World War II, allegedly due to the presence of cannibals in the region—a narrative reminiscent of the disappearance of Michael Rockefeller in 1961.

Tammy Bruce says Biden's influence abated amidst growing political polarization

According to mediaite.com, Bruce expressed incredulity at the situation, likening it to living in a cartoon. Disputing Biden's exclusion from the influential list, she argued that Biden's influence is undeniable, albeit for the wrong reasons. 

“It’s like we’re living in a cartoon, Sean,” Bruce told Hannity.

“And I would disagree with that Influential list. Clearly, Joe Biden is the most influential person on Earth by doing nothing, by neutering the United States. Every horrible thing that’s happening. There is no good thing that’s happening because of this man.”

In Bruce's view, regret over voting for Biden is becoming increasingly common, fueled by fear and disillusionment. She implied a contrast between the demonization of Donald Trump and the actual consequences of Biden's leadership, suggesting that Trump is the key figure capable of salvaging the nation and the world.

Tammy Bruce's bold assertions reflect growing discontent with Biden's presidency

Bruce's declaration, while dramatic, reflects a sentiment shared by some conservatives who believe Biden's presidency has been detrimental. It underscores the polarized political landscape and the deep-seated concerns about the direction of the country under Biden's leadership.

Additionally, Bruce proclaimed, "There’s now more and more people saying that they feel dumb and embarrassed for having voted for Joe Biden. But that’s what fear does to you."

She further emphasized, "And lo and behold, the world did end because of Joe Biden."

Finally, Bruce highlighted, "And now we’ve got a chance to make a difference here. And this is what the bad guys also know. This is why the rest of this year as Donald Trump – they’ve tried to put him in a cage – the one guy that can save this nation and the world at this point."

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