Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin faces congressional scrutiny over secret hospitalization

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin faces congressional scrutiny over secret hospitalization, Internet says 'another witch hunt'
Republican Mike Rogers has requested that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin speak publicly next month (@repmikerogersal/Instagram, Department of Defense)

WASHINGTON, DC: On Thursday, January 18, a House committee summoned Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to testify publicly next month about his inability to disclose that he was hospitalized due to complications from prostate cancer.

Rep Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, wrote to Austin, asking him to appear before the committee on February 14, 2024, at 10 a.m., to address concerns about his hospitalization and the bungled notification process that followed, according to a report by ABC News.

What did Rep Rogers state in his letter to Austin?

Rogers wrote in the letter, "Congress must understand what happened and who made decisions to prevent the disclosure of the whereabouts of a cabinet secretary.”

The Alabama congressman continued, "Your unwillingness to provide candid and complete answers necessitates calling a Full Committee hearing on February 14, 2024, where the Committee expects to hear your direct testimony regarding decisions made to withhold information from the President, Congress, and the American people."


Austin's hospitalization and a communication breakdown that kept top Pentagon officials and the White House in the dark about his status for days have drawn criticism against the Pentagon.

Earlier this month, the Pentagon authorized a 30-day review of the notification process, which is also being investigated by the Defense Department inspector general.

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According to Chairman Rogers' letter, Austin did not adequately address several crucial issues regarding the situation during their recent phone chat.

"I am alarmed you refused to answer whether you instructed your staff to not inform the President of the United States or anyone else of your hospitalization. Unfortunately, this leads me to believe that information is being withheld from Congress," Rogers argued in his letter to the Secretary of Defense.

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Rogers included a list of questions that Austin has yet to respond to, adding, "I expect your full honesty and cooperation in this matter. Anything short of that is completely unacceptable.”

What was Lloyd Austin and the Pentagon’s rebuttal to Rogers’ letter?

On Friday, January 19, Pentagon spokesperson Jeff Jurgensen confirmed that the department had received Rep Mike Rogers' request and had provided the House Armed Services Committee with letters that other committees had requested in a "good-faith effort to respond to the Committee as expeditiously as possible" despite the ongoing reviews.

Jurgensen said in a statement to ABC News, "The Department looks forward to continuing to work with the Committee to accommodate its legislative needs,” adding, "As always, we will respond to congressional requests as appropriate, to include requests for the Secretary to testify."

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 19: U.S. Army (retired) General Lloyd Austin testifies before the Senate Ar
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has been summoned by Republican House Armed Services Committee Chair Rep Mike Rogers to appear before the committee on February 14 (Getty Images)

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin wrote back, saying, "I want to be clear that at no time during my stay at Walter Reed were there any gaps in authorities or risk to command-and-control. Either I, or the Deputy Secretary of Defense, have always been fully prepared to support the President as Commander-in-Chief throughout the duration of my care at Walter Reed."

"As I have stated previously, I take full responsibility for my personal decisions related to the disclosure of my cancer diagnosis. Health matters, particularly potentially serious illnesses such as cancer, are deeply personal, but I recognize that the office I hold requires a greater level of transparency," Austin noted.

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks also wrote to Rep Rogers, even though she was on vacation in Puerto Rico with her staff and a suite of communications.

She found out about Austin's hospitalization on January 4, four days after he was carried by ambulance to Walter Reed National Army Medical Center on January 1.

Her letter goes on to say, among other things, "Let me assure you that at no time during the Secretary's hospitalization were there any gaps in authorities, nor was there ever a risk to command-and-control."

Internet reacts

People on X slammed the Republican House Armed Services Committee Chair as he demanded the Secretary of Defense testify before the committee next month.


One X user remarked: "ANOTHER WITCH HUNT AND WASTE!"


Another user quipped: "The actual keyboard warrior."


Another user said: "He doesn’t have to show up for anything. F**k the GOP."


One X user remarked: "More nothing."


Finally, this user tweeted: "I hope they find our missing Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin by February 14th. I(t) would be scandalous if he didn't show."



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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