Sean Hannity mocked for accusing Democrats of transitioning from hippies to terrorist sympathizers

'Do something new': Sean Hannity mocked for accusing Democrats of transitioning from hippies to terrorist sympathizers
Fox News host Sean Hannity highlighted troubling developments at Columbia University in his recent monologue (YouTube/Fox News)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: In a recent monologue on Fox News, Sean Hannity highlighted a troubling development at Columbia University, where the increase in antisemitism and anarchy has sparked substantial responses from both inside and outside the institution.

Hannity highlighted the distressing situation faced by students, particularly the Jewish community, at Columbia University, saying, "Things have gotten so bad, a rabbi at Columbia University calling for students now to leave the campus."


Sean Hannity labels the Democratic party as 'radical terrorist sympathizers'

Expanding on his remarks, Hannity stated, "And they have. And they now have to finish their semesters online. Why? Because the school has been unwilling, unable, to safeguard these students in the face of what is extreme antisemitism and nothing but utter anarchy."

One incident mentioned was the reported banning of a pro-Israel professor from campus, with his key card deactivated and his counter-protest denied due to safety concerns, allegedly posed by the pro-Hamas crowd.

This has prompted inquiries into the extent of control and influence these groups have acquired within the university, citing the "obvious" safety risk to the students.

He further mentioned, "In other words, the pro-Hamas crowd. They're now running the show. They have taken over a big part of the university. Dissent is no longer safe at an Ivy League institution."

Sean hannity said that a rabbi at Columbia University calling for students now to leave the campus (@FoxNews/Youtube)
Sean Hannity said that a rabbi at Columbia University called for students to leave the campus (@FoxNews/Youtube)

Hannity also criticized the Democratic Party's shift, noting, "Now the base of the Democratic Party, they have gone from self-proclaimed open-minded, peace-loving hippies to radical terrorist sympathizers. You know, the very people that would get triggered if you use the wrong pronoun."

"Now they are justifying violence and really offering what is nothing short of aid and comfort to terrorists," he added. 

However, he praised the few individuals, such as John Fetterman, who have spoken out against these protests and demanded accountability from Columbia's leadership.

He then said, "Now, Senator Tim Scott, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and several other Republican lawmakers, have also called for Columbia's president to resign. She should be fired before she resigns."

Hannity condemns protests at Columbia, warns of Biden's radical base

Transitioning, Hannity juxtaposed The New York Times' depiction of the protests as a "big happy party" with the stark reality of the situation, underscoring the potential dangers and ramifications of such events escalating without intervention.

He said, "At Columbia, the protests continued with dancing and pizza." That's just like the summer of 2020. 574 mostly peaceful riots. Remember dozens of dead Americans, cops pelted with bricks, rocks, bottles, Molotov cocktails, and billions in property damage."

Sean hannity called radical members of Joe Biden's far left base (@FoxNews/Youtube)
Sean Hannity called out radical members of Joe Biden's far-left base (@FoxNews/Youtube)

Moreover, Hannity voiced apprehensions regarding the Biden administration's position, indicating that policies leaning towards radicals might result in taxpayers bearing the consequences of their actions, particularly concerning student loans.

He continued by saying, "And yet, radical members of Joe Biden's far-left base, they now feel very comfortable openly supporting the terrorist organization whose own charter calls for Israel's destruction, defending, making excuses for terrorists trying to get Israel to back down and just accept that this is their way of life."

"That's your modern, Democratic, radicalized party. The icing on the cake: One day, if Joe Biden gets his way, you're probably going to be forced to pay off the massive student loans for all of those radicals on all of these campuses whose role is always to play America's ultimate victims. All because Joe Biden wants to buy their vote," Hannity concluded.

Hannity mocked online over a weird comparison 

Netizens widely mocked Sean Hannity, using humor to underscore the absurdity of his statements.

One user wrote, "I haven't taken this man seriously since he stopped co-hosting with this chap."

Another user said, "Aren't they the same thing?" referring to hippies and terrorist sympathizers. 

One more person said, "False and inflammatory statement. Demonizing political opponents is harmful to civil discourse. Let's focus on policy issues instead."

One more person questioned, "Will Fox ever provide unbiased reporting?"

"Is Hannity sad! Or needs more viewers!" a viewer taunted. 

"Do something new fox, Sean is old and pathetic," another viewer noted. 

Another comment read, "What nonsense Sean…"









This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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