Internet rips Jesse Watters for saying Trump will have 'plenty of money to win' after Florida fundraiser

'He is never right': Internet rips Jesse Watters for saying Trump will have 'plenty of money to win' after Florida fundraiser
Fox News host Jesse Watters on Monday addressed the possibility of a second Trump presidency (@FoxNews/Youtube)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: In a recent monologue on 'Jesse Watters Primetime', host Jesse Watters delved into the intricate dance of politics, painting a vivid picture of how former President Trump will get ahead in the 2024 election.

With his words, he illuminated the nuances of the Trump campaign's strategy on April 8, the Democrats' mounting desperation, and the age-old rituals of power-seeking in the political realm.


Jesse Watters draws parallels between Democrats' panic and ancient celestial beliefs

The campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump recently announced that a significant fundraiser held in Florida on Saturday yielded an impressive $50.5 million.

"Trump is going to have plenty of money to win," Watters declared and added, "The night before Trump raised over $50 million. The Palm Beach fundraiser shattering Joe Biden's $25 million record haul, and he didn't need help from two other presidents and Lizzo."

"The court cases are backfiring. He's speaking with nuance about abortion. Imagine that?" Watters said.

But perhaps most strikingly, Watters highlighted, "Trump nuanced and he's ahead in every battleground. Democrats know what's coming and they see it as a sign of the apocalypse, just like ancient cultures did to the moon, they're screaming to make Trump go away."

'Trump is going to have plenty of money to win. The court cases are backfiring', said Jesse Watters (@FoxNews/Youtube)

Drawing parallels to ancient cultures' reactions to celestial phenomena, Watters evoked the image of Democrats screaming in a futile attempt to banish Trump from the political firmament.

"Now, the Democrats say you need to do more than scream because, just like they thought the moon would never leave, they say Trump is going to stay for life," he remarked.

"Just like what happens after every eclipse, everybody knows Trump is going to leave office just like he did the last time, but just like the ancients, in order to restore order to the universe, liberals dance and pray for power back," he added. 

Concluding the segment, he said, "The Democrats are using every ritual – bribing voters, hoaxes, arrests. Now, the Biden campaign is going door to door to different ethnic groups and offering food to the demographic gods as a form of atonement." 

Internet slams Jesse Watters for his comments

Social media users were quick to condemn Watters' remarks, calling out his perceived bias and lack of credibility.

One tweet read, "Spoiler alert, Jesse Watters is never right."

Another tweet read, "@FoxNews dredges the bottom of the MAGA barrel for their anchors and pundits."

One more tweet read, "I hate to say it, but I really don't believe it will matter. There is no way the dems/leftists/communists/globalists etc will let him win. I am afraid they have perfected the steal."

"Looking forward to diving deep into the analysis with you!" another tweet read.

"If I'm not mistaken, it takes votes to win. Is he planning some massive illegal election activities that include buying votes? read one more tweet.

"The reality is he really doesn’t even need it. He could go broke and still win. @JesseBWatters," one more person said. 








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