Sean Hannity faces backlash for criticizing Joe Biden's alleged use of taxpayer money for vote-buying

'He needs a reality check': Sean Hannity faces backlash for criticizing Joe Biden's alleged use of taxpayer money for vote-buying
Sean Hannity labeled President Joe Biden as 'the single worst president in modern history' (@FoxNews/Youtube)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: In a scathing note, Sean Hannity didn't mince words when he declared President Joe Biden as "the single worst president in modern history."

Pointing to a multitude of perceived shortcomings and a lack of concrete achievements, Hannity questioned Biden's chances for re-election, remarking, "Anything that can go wrong has gone wrong, and yet he wants to be re-elected, but he can't even run on any accomplishment."


Hannity accuses Biden of attempting to buy votes with taxpayer money

"Think in your own mind, what has he done that you could say, 'Joe, you did a really good job here,' because I can't think of any?" Hannity posed, echoing the sentiments of numerous disillusioned Americans.

"Now, he also can't run on his personality and his charm because he's so cognitively impaired and has always been, you know, that 'Creepy Joe' guy. Remember him?" he added.

"I don't run the videos because it's that sleazy, but instead, Joe is trying to win votes with cheap political ploys, fearmongering, lying, demagoguery and of course, he is more than willing to grease the wheels with your money," Sannity continued. 

Hannity highlighted Biden's 2024 'goody bag,' as described by Axios (@FoxNews/Youtube)

Hannity highlighted Biden's 2024 "goody bag," as described by Axios, which involves allocating an impressive $250 billion to Republican and swing states through infrastructure and clean-energy bills.

According to him, this deliberate distribution of funds aims to win over voters "town-by-town, trip-by-trip," effectively leveraging taxpayer money as a political bargaining tool.

"In other words, Joe looks like he's trying to buy votes with your money, all while dumping a massive amount of money into an economy already suffering from record-setting inflation, unprecedented debt and deficits," Hannity further said. 

Sean Hannity called Joe Bidena a shady career politician (@FoxNews/Youtube)

Hannity also noted that defying the Supreme Court, Biden's administration has embarked on a massive giveaway of student debt relief, a move perceived as an attempt to shore up support among a demographic that has been increasingly disillusioned with his presidency.

"Now, Biden always has been and remains a shady career politician. He will use every trick in the book to win an election. Now, of course, that does include pandering," he said.

"Now, according to Joe, he was raised in the African-American community by people from Puerto Rico, from Italy, who were Jewish and Irish and Polish, and as of yesterday, he's now also Greek," Hannity concluded.

Internet slams Hannity for his condemning remarks on Biden

Hannity encountered a storm of criticism on social media, with users condemning his remarks.

"So if he paid you $5M would you vote for him?" one person asked. 

"Sean, time to save our country is now, put some skin in the game, our country is going down the toilet...time to do a real show," another user said. 

"Looks like someone needs a reality check!" one more user noted. 

"Fox News clearly reports from the Upside Down," another user tweeted. 

"Fox Spews lies all the time please research all the videos and accusations they make because 99% they are talking about trump when they accuse Biden of anything. Fox News is a lying and confusing machine that is used for Trumps voters," commented a user. [sic] 

"Says the guy who supports an insurrectionist," another tweet read. 







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