Inside the deepening Kennedy family rift as siblings choose Joe Biden over RFK Jr

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS: In a spectacle reminiscent of the days of Camelot, the Kennedy family gathered to celebrate matriarch Ethel Kennedy's 96th birthday in Hyannis Port earlier this month.
Surrounded by her nine surviving children and grandchildren, the occasion hinted at a brief respite from the family's tumultuous dynamics.
However, any semblance of unity was shattered on April 18 when six of Robert F Kennedy Jr's siblings publicly endorsed President Joe Biden's reelection bid in Philadelphia, dealing a significant blow to his independent presidential campaign.
Joe Biden endorsement spurs family rift
The endorsement, which featured prominent figures such as former Maryland Lt Gov. Kathleen Kennedy and former Rep Joe Kennedy II, underscored the deep divisions within the Kennedy clan.
A source familiar with the family dynamics lamented to the New York Post, "With a family like this, who needs enemies? This is not a dinner party discussion at home among siblings. These people are slandering him."
The collective endorsement was anticipated following the recent Kennedy family visit to the White House for a St Patrick's Day celebration, an event that RFK Jr notably skipped.
When questioned by reporters about whether he would advise his brother to withdraw from the race, Joe Kennedy II said, "Of course."
He added, "We cannot do anything that in any way, strips even one vote from President Biden. You put the name Kennedy on the ballot and Democrats are going to feel torn. We are trying to make them understand that this is an issue that they do not have to feel torn about."
The rift between RFK Jr and his siblings extends beyond political differences. In the fall of 2023, several siblings condemned RFK Jr's decision to challenge Biden, labeling it "dangerous to our country" and disavowing his candidacy.
"Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision, or judgment," they said in a statement at the time, adding, "We denounce his candidacy."
The public disagreement traces its roots to RFK Jr's assertion that convicted killer Sirhan Sirhan did not act alone in assassinating their father, Robert F Kennedy Sr, in 1968—a stance that contradicted the family's official narrative.
Ethel Kennedy, RFK Jr's mother, publicly opposed his support for Sirhan's parole, emphasizing that he "should not have the opportunity to terrorize again."
The family also clashed over RFK Jr's anti-vaccine views, with some members authoring articles denouncing his stance.
RFK Jr's efforts amid family fracture
RFK Jr has sought to downplay the feud, saying that they are "divided in our opinions but united in our love for each other" and that all Americans must work to "restore civility and respect to public discourse."
Despite the public rift, RFK Jr finds support within his immediate family, including his daughter-in-law, Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, who serves as his campaign manager.
Moreover, voices within RFK Jr's campaign and close circles have criticized his siblings' actions, alleging a betrayal of Kennedy values.
Tony Lyons, a friend of RFK Jr, accused the dissenting siblings of lacking integrity and honor. "RFK Jr. is a corruption fighter just like his father and uncle," told Lyons, the president of Skyhorse Publishing, to the Post.
He added, "The family members who have stood against him when instructed to do so show their lack of integrity, backbone, and honor. They have abandoned their core Kennedy values. They are part of the corruption that RFK Jr. has been fighting with all his heart for the past 40 years."
Some insiders close to the Kennedy family strongly oppose the idea that the siblings' public criticism of Bobby is simply a matter of typical family disagreement.
Kyle Kemper, who is known for his ties to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and has been involved with RFK Jr's campaign, expressed his belief that the Kennedy siblings' actions are dishonest.
"He’s interfering with their racket," told Kemper to the Post, noting, "They’re all working in different ways with the [Biden] administration and Democratic Party NGOs. You don’t just pop up out of nowhere and hold a press conference harping on Bobby. They’re trying to dissuade and smear rather than engaging in healthy debate."
He stressed, "This is the tragedy within the American political system today and the Kennedy family is a microcosm of it. Bobby says his father taught his kids to debate at the dinner table — not name-call or smear."
Unraveling the family feud
The feud's origins remain subject to speculation. Some insiders suggest that RFK Jr's candidacy threatens the family's ties to the Democratic establishment, prompting their opposition. Others view the rift as a reflection of the Kennedy dynasty's waning influence and internal power struggles.
Laurence Leamer, author of several books on the Kennedy family, characterized the dispute as unprecedented.
"Bobby’s the end of the line for a family that has been in decline for quite some time. He’s the last major public figure in the family. These are serious accusations the family is making and it certainly has changed the dynamics between them," told Leamer to the Post.
He further claimed, "This is the first time they have gone against each other, and I assume the siblings are speaking out against Bobby from a moral compulsion. They were always about being united no matter what, so this must be devastating for all of them."
Dan Moldea, author of 'The Killing of Robert F Kennedy', believes RFK Jr's advocacy for Sirhan's parole exacerbated tensions within the family.
"The fact that the family has endorsed Biden is a public service — and public service is what the family has done for years,” noted Moldea, adding, "Distancing themselves from their brother is part of that public service."
Despite RFK Jr's attempts to engage his family in dialogue, critics argue that his tactics have alienated them further.
Jerry Oppenheimer, the author of 'RFK Jr. and the Dark Side of the Dream', attributed the rift to Ethel Kennedy's influence and longstanding grievances.
“Ethel, despite the fact she is 96, still wields the power and what she says goes. She’s the one behind the decision to force the family to go against Bobby,” shared Oppenheimer to the Post.