'Keep your mouth shut': Internet slams Andrew Cuomo as he blames NY Gov Kathy Hochul and President Joe Biden for migrant crisis in Bronx church speech

'Keep your mouth shut': Internet slams Andrew Cuomo as he blames NY Gov Kathy Hochul and President Joe Biden for migrant crisis in Bronx church speech
Andrew Cuomo slammed New York Governor Kathy Hochul and President Joe Biden for their handling of the migrant crisis (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Former New York governor Andrew Cuomo, embroiled in controversy and speculation about a political comeback, took to the pulpit at the Grove Missionary Baptist Church in the Bronx on Sunday, March 10, 2024, to critique what he termed a "government blunder" regarding the migrant crisis.

Cuomo, who resigned from office two and a half years ago amid a sexual harassment scandal, directed his ire toward current Democratic NY Governor Kathy Hochul and President Joe Biden, accusing Albany politicians of burdening New York City with the entirety of the migrant influx.

Andrew Cuomo slams government's handling of migrant crisis

Cuomo, 66, voiced his concerns about New York City being left to handle the brunt of the migrant situation, lamenting that migrants were only directed to the city and not to other parts of the state.

“New York state says the migrants can only go to New York City, not the Hudson Valley, not upstate New York, not Long Island — only New York City,” Cuomo said. “Now New York City has over 100,000 migrants who have come to the city. New York City has to provide the housing and the education and the medical care. It makes no sense," he added.

"And then the check comes. You know, when you are in the restaurant, and then the check comes, and nobody moves, everybody just looks at it, everybody puts their hands in their pocket. [New York City] Mayor [Eric] Adams says, ‘Federal government, you should pick up the tab, you started this,’ the federal government says, ‘I left my wallet at home,’" the former governor said.

Cuomo raised several issues exacerbating the situation, including the city's high taxes, impending congestion tolls, and ongoing challenges with crime and homelessness.

He warned that the unsustainable conditions could lead to further population exodus from the state and city, emphasizing the need for migrants to have easier access to work permits.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JULY 06: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declares a state of emergency Tuesday d
Despite his critique, Andrew Cuomo invoked Scripture to advocate for compassion toward migrants, asserting that they deserve dignity and respect (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) 

Despite his critique, Cuomo invoked Scripture to advocate for compassion toward migrants, asserting that they deserve dignity and respect. He criticized the housing conditions at Brooklyn's Floyd Bennet Field, labeling it a "wind tunnel" and urging for better treatment of migrants.

“Forget how they got here. They are here. They are in our house. They are human beings. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect,” he said.

Cuomo's speech, strategically timed amid Albany's budget talks, echoed sentiments from his recent appearances at Black city churches, where he is testing the waters for a potential political resurgence.

Congregants overwhelmingly expressed support for Cuomo, with many voicing their desire for him to return to office.

Lucious Peterson, 64, told the New York Post, "I like him, even though he has his ups and downs... If he gets back in there, it would be a big difference."

“I support everything he said, I love him,” Stephanie Tribble told the outlet. “When you are moving up in life, there are people that will fight with you, and there are people that will fight against you,” she added.

Andrew Cuomo faces social media backlash for his remarks

Andrew Cuomo's remarks, however, drew backlash on social media, with some users accusing him of hypocrisy and blaming him for New York's sanctuary status.

"NYC is a sanctuary city, it has created this problem. Keep your mouth shut and enjoy your retirement, you elderly killer," one social media user posted on X.

"YOU made NY a sanctuary state and invited this crisis. Just as you created most of the crises NYers face today as you pretend to be our Savior. Go away," another fumed.

"You signed an executive order declaring New York a sanctuary state. 'Sanctuary' in the truest sense -- no ability to interact with the feds. NOW you're trying to be reasonable? Go pander somewhere else. Our current mayor is bad enough --we don't need you," someone else wrote.

"Every sanctuary city deserves this. Their whining should not be taken seriously until they revoke their sanctuary status and cooperate with ICE," another insisted. 





This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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