Internet divided as Leo Terrell labels Biden a 'total disgrace' after Juanita Broaddrick slams president

Internet divided as Leo Terrell labels Biden a 'total disgrace' after Juanita Broaddrick slams president
One of the voices joining the chorus of criticism is that of civil rights attorney Leo Terrell, who labeled Joe Biden a 'total disgrace' (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: In the wake of recent remarks by Juanita Broaddrick, a figure from the past resurfacing in contemporary political discourse, emotions are running high for Leo Terrell as well.

Broaddrick, known for her allegations against former President Bill Clinton, has made a resurgence with a pointed statement directed at President Joe Biden in a February 10 X post, writing, "THIS CANNOT BE STATED LOUD ENOUGH OR OFTEN ENOUGH," accompanied by a photo of Biden labeled "Biden is a disgrace".


Broaddrick allegations resurface and Terrell salls Biden administration a 'total disgrace'

Reposting Broaddrick's statement, civil rights attorney Leo Terrell, known for his vocal commentary on current events and political matters, wrote on his X post, "I would insert the word "total" Disgrace".

The resurgence of Broaddrick's allegations and the subsequent reactions highlight the enduring impact of past controversies on contemporary political discourse.

While Broaddrick's allegations against Bill Clinton have long been a subject of debate and scrutiny, her decision to direct attention towards President Biden raises new questions about accountability and the standards to which elected officials are held.


According to a Fox News report from April 29, 2020, Broaddrick, who has maintained that Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, draws parallels between her experience and Tara Reade’s allegations against Joe Biden.

Both women have accused powerful Democrats of sexual misconduct, yet their claims have largely been disregarded or minimized by the mainstream media. Broaddrick recently reached out to Reade, expressing her support.

ST LOUIS, MO - OCTOBER 09:  Juanita Broaddrick looks on during the second presidential debate with d
Juanita Broaddrick has long said Bill Clinton raped her in 1978 (Getty Images)

“I just told her, any time she needed anything or wanted to talk, to call me and she almost immediately called me,” Broaddrick shared with Fox News. “I believe her. I spoke with her on the phone, we spoke at length… this is a very, very believable woman.”

Netizens divided over statements regarding Biden's character and accountability

Terrell and Broaddrick's statements have reignited debates over character and accountability in the highest office of the United States, with many netizens agreeing.


One wrote, "All of this is true".


"An even bigger disgrace would be those that support him," another said.


"He needs to RESIGN," asserted another.


One tweet read, "Yes, @JoeBiden is an embarrassment and stain on The United States of America".


"He’s been a disgrace, his whole damn life. None of us Americans know who is even running this beautiful country but I believe we all have a an idea who it is and it’s not good," one comment read.


However, there were other comments disagreeing with Terrell, with one reading, "Leo, you’ve lost your identity. You’re a disgrace".



"You are OK with the 91 criminal indictments that Citizen Trump has against him, with evidence and witnesses.? Trump is disgraceful," another said.

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