'Another lie': Internet doubts Donald Trump's claim Vladimir Putin will release Evan Gershkovich after elections

'Another lie': Internet doubts Donald Trump's claim Vladimir Putin will release Evan Gershkovich after elections
Donald Trump has claimed Vladimir Putin will release Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich soon after elections are over (Getty Images, Evan Gershkovich/ LiknedIn)

WASHINGTON, DC: Former President Donald Trump has made a bold prediction about the fate of detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich.

According to Trump, Gershkovich, who has been held in Russia on espionage allegations since March 2023, will be released “almost immediately” following this year’s presidential election.

Donald Trump’s assurance: Gershkovich will be home before he assumes office 

In a post on his Truth Social account, Trump wrote, “Evan Gershkovich, the Reporter from The Wall Street Journal, who is being held by Russia, will be released almost immediately after the Election, but definitely before I assume Office."


Trump further stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin would facilitate Gershkovich’s release for him, and not for anyone else, and that no payment will be made for this action.

"He will be home, safe, and with his family," he said, adding, “Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will do that for me, but not for anyone else, and we will be paying nothing!”

Vladimir Putin has no contact with Donald Trump, says Kremlin

However, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has contradicted Trump’s claim stating that Putin has “not had contact with Donald Trump," according to Fox News.

Trump made a similar claim regarding Gershkovich at the end of April. “The reporter should be released, and he will be released,” Trump said during an interview with TIME.

“I don’t know if he’s going to be released under Biden,” Trump said. “I would get him released," he told the publication. 

When pressed why he hasn’t called for Gershkovich’s release on dubious spying charges, Trump replied, “I guess because I have so many other things I’m working on.”

Russia allege that Gershkovich was acting as a spy trying to obtain defense secrets, a claim that both the US government and Wall Street Journal vehemently deny.

“Journalism is not a crime, and Evan went to Russia to do his job as a reporter,” President Biden said in March on the anniversary of Gershkovich’s detention, calling his confinement “wholly unjust and illegal.”

Internet's skepticism over Donald Trump's claim about Evan Gershkovich release

Meanwhile, the internet has reacted skeptically to Trump’s claim. Comments range from disbelief to accusations of lying with one user even suggesting a quid pro quo arrangement between Trump and Putin. 

“What else is Putin doing to help influence the election for you? Things you claim he won’t do for anybody else. A dictator to dictator deals. Putting my money on because he knows that you will hand him Ukraine,” wrote a user.

"Good lord. You have a back channel to Russia what secrets are you giving him? Quid pro quo," wrote another. 

"Another lie by Trump. The guy is willing to say anything to get elected and stay out of jail," wrote one more user.

"Trump-- in his infinite stupidity-- has, by some measure, probably decreased the chance Putin will release Evan Gershkovich before the election now. What a fool," Michael Kreis, a constitutional law professor and political scientist at Georgia State University College of Law wrote. 

"Wrong take from you. He is asking Putin not to release Evan prior to the election!!!! Do better," wrote one more user. 

"Insanity! Donald Trump just telegraphed to the world, once again, that he's Vladimir Putin's favorite candidate...and just increased the odds that Evan Gershkovich will rot in a Russian prison for at least the next six months. Shades of Reagan and the hostages in Iran 1980," wrote one more. 







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