Internet in stitches after Seth Meyers compares Donald Trump to Judge Judy over his 'love' for courtrooms

Internet in stitches after Seth Meyers compares Donald Trump to Judge Judy over his 'love' for courtrooms
Seth Meyer roasted Donald Trump by hilariously comparing him to Judge Judy (NBC, CBS)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Donald Trump made a conspicuous appearance in a Florida courtroom where his legal team argued for the dismissal of charges alleging his involvement in the theft of classified documents.

Despite a pivotal witness stepping forward with alarming revelations about suspicious activities observed at Mar-a-Lago, Trump's lawyers remained steadfast in their efforts to shield him from accountability.

Seth Meyers compares Donald Trump to Judge Judy

Seth Meyers, in his segment 'A Closer Look,' provided a witty and insightful commentary on this unfolding legal drama.

Meyers began by humorously reflecting on the seemingly perpetual rivalry between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, likening it to a timeless conflict reminiscent of the First Continental Congress.

He highlighted Trump's peculiar affinity for courtrooms, portraying him as someone who relishes the attention and engagement that the legal arena provides, regardless of the circumstances.

"The only person I can think of who spent this much time in court is Judge Judy, and look how mad she is. Difference between Trump and Judge Judy -- all the money he pretends to have, she got. Judge Judy got that money."

The crux of Trump's defense rests on the assertion that he had the authority to claim the classified documents as his personal property, a notion Meyers promptly debunked with comedic flair.

He humorously likened Trump's argument to that of a teenager marking their diary as "classified," emphasizing the absurdity of claiming ownership over government property.

"The only people who mark their personal property classified are teenagers who definitely want someone to read their diary," Meyers joked. 


Seth Meyers talks about Brian Butler's claims

However, the courtroom drama took a serious turn with Brian Butler, a former Mar-a-Lago employee, who came forward with damning testimony about Trump's actions. Butler's revelation that he assisted in moving boxes of classified documents out of Mar-a-Lago during an FBI investigation added weight to the allegations against Trump.

"So, you know, we're there to assist with luggage, anything that needs to go to the plane. We got to the airport. I ended up loading all the luggage I had, and he had a bunch of boxes," Butler said. 

Meyers injected levity into the situation by humorously questioning why anyone would be lifting boxes of documents to a pilot, drawing comparisons to scenes from movies involving small planes and illicit cargo. Yet, beneath the humor lies a stark reality: Trump's actions constitute a flagrant abuse of power and a betrayal of public trust.

"The first rule of air travel is when the pilot does the luggage, it's a crime. Oh, unless it's Spirit," Meyers said. 

The gravity of the situation was further underscored by revelations that Trump shared sensitive national security information with members of his club, including an Australian billionaire named Anthony Pratt.

Meyers cleverly pointed out the absurdity of Trump's actions, juxtaposing them with comedic scenarios involving iconic figures like Judge Judy and members of Trump's own family.

"An Australian billionaire got top secret information about US and Russian submarines. Thankfully, the good news is he couldn't share any of the information because it's impossible to say the word 'submarine' in an Australian accent," Meyers jested. 

Internet in stitches over Seth Meyer's skit 

The social media reactions to Seth Meyers' commentary on Trump's courtroom drama reflect a mix of amusement, incredulity, and sharp observation.

One user wrote, "The part about Trumps "\'money' Vs Judge Judy's MONEY. LMAO!!"

Another added, "Some documents were not just classified. They were TOP SECRET."

One user replied, "I can Declassify Classified Documents just by thinking about it. Can you believe Trump actually thought this defense would work in court? "

Another added, "Come on. He shown up in court to intimidate Canon. Her wording in her order shows it worked."

One replied, "1:10 He’s practicing being behind bars!"

One user noted, "The Eric hunting submarines bit had me in tears"


One more user declared, "Love your show Seth...and thanks for reminding the country--who seems to have fallen back asleep--about the chaos of Trump. Cannot. Do. This. Again."


 Another person wrote, "Trump is looking more, and more like Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars."

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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