Internet questions 'political bias' as Joe Biden confirms the appointment of 200th federal judge

Internet questions 'political bias' as Joe Biden confirms the appointment of 200th federal judge
Joe Biden confirmed the appointment of 200th judge (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden’s 200th judicial appointment has sparked a flurry of reactions on the internet with some questioning the political bias of the new appointees.

The milestone was celebrated by both Biden as well as former President Barack Obama, but not everyone shared their enthusiasm.

Joe Biden says the judges have the power to uphold basic rights or roll them back

Biden said, "Today, we reached another milestone in the effort to protect the freedoms and liberties of all Americans: The confirmation of the 200th federal judge since I took office."

“Judges matter. These men and women have the power to uphold basic rights or to roll them back,” Biden further wrote in a statement shared on X.

"They hear cases that decide whether Americans have the freedom to make their own health care decisions; to cast their ballots; to unionize; and to breathe clean air and drink clean water," the statement added.

"Going forward, I will continue my solemn responsibility of nominating individuals who have excelled in their professional careers, who reflect the communities they serve, and who apply the law impartially and without favoritism," the president's statement concluded. 


More than half the judges in the US are women and people of color 

The Senate confirmed the appointment of magistrate judge Angela Martinez as a federal judge in Arizona on Wednesday, May 22, marking the 200th confirmed judge since Biden took office, according to The Hill. 

Biden's sentiment was echoed by Obama who highlighted the diversity of the appointees with 64 percent being women and 62 percent being people of color.

Barack Obama (Getty Images)
Joe Biden's sentiment was echoed by Barack Obama, who highlighted the diversity of the appointees, with 64 percent being women and 62 percent being people of color (Getty Images)

"@POTUS just confirmed his 200th judge – not an easy accomplishment with a narrow majority in the Senate. And more than half are women and people of color," Obama wrote.

"Judges have the power to roll back progress or keep us moving forward; to protect our basic liberties or take them away. It’s another reminder of what’s at stake in this election, and why it’s so important to vote," he added. 


However, the internet was not as forgiving with right-leaning supporters suggesting that Biden had appointed a ‘Democrat activist’ instead of a judge.

Internet users question the impartiality of the appointments

One user wrote, “POTUS just confirmed his 200th democrat activist- not an easy accomplishment with the narrow majority in the Senate. Fixed it for you, Barry.”

Another commented, “That’s 200 more judges that will completely ignore the Constitution to punish Republicans, protect Democrats and keep the Democrat Party in power.”

The controversy was further fueled by the mention of Judge Aileen Cannon of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida who is hearing Trump’s classified documents case.

One user lashed out saying, “Yes, we see that with Cannon. She has the power to keep the safety of the country paralyzed so she can protect a traitor in the hopes of getting on the bench. No judge should have this much power.”

"The entire country is seeing what a farce our judicial system has become with all your Trump trials. Judges do not operate without political bias any more," wrote another. 

Despite the criticism, some users appreciated Biden’s efforts. “Kudos to @POTUS for diversifying the bench and upholding the ideals of justice. This election will be crucial to keep the courts fair and balanced,” one user wrote. 






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