Internet takes sides as Mark Cuban lauds Joe Biden's economy, accuses Donald Trump of having it 'diminished'

Internet takes sides as Mark Cuban lauds Joe Biden's economy, accuses Donald Trump of having it 'diminished'
Mark Cuban reflected on Joe Biden's economy and slammed Donald Trump's performance (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: In a spirited defense of President Joe Biden's economic record, Mark Cuban highlighted what he views as significant accomplishments under the current administration.

The billionaire investor contrasted his argument with a critical assessment of Donald Trump's performance, arguing that the former president failed to sustain the momentum inherited from the Barack Obama administration, according to The Hill.

MIAMI, FLORIDA - FEBRUARY 01: Mark Cuban attends AT&T TV Super Saturday Night at Meridian at Island
Mark Cuban shared his viewpoint on Joe Biden's economy (Getty Images)

Mark Cuban's remarks on Joe Biden's economy

Cuban took to X (formerly Twitter) to highlight a graph showing 12 straight months of positive real wage growth in the US, while responding to a user who seemed unsatisfied by the numbers.

“Imagine looking at this graphic and not realizing that your guy underperformed the Obama economy he inherited and gave away all the wage growth trends in place when he took office,” the television personality said of Trump.

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The graph Cuban referenced displayed the year-over-year change in real average earnings on an hourly basis stretching back before 2010 which appeared to cover the administrations of Obama, Trump, and Biden.

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However, the user hit back at Cuban saying he was ignoring the absence of any negative wage under Trump.

“You can’t brag about Biden’s ‘wage growth’ because the line is positive and then ignore the lack of negative wage growth in the Trump administration,” said the user.

As per the graph, the President presided over 25 consecutive months of negative real wage growth.

Mark Cuban says Barack Obama and Joe Biden turned the US economy positive

In response to the user, Cuban said, “I just showed the graphic. Without commentary."

“The facts are that Obama and Biden inherited the Great Recession and Covid, both generational issues, and turned the economy positive over time," he continued.

“The guy between them inherited a booming economy and in terms of wage growth, diminished it. Is that what the numbers say to you?” the 'Shark Tank' star added.


Internet divided over Mark Cuban's remarks on the US economy

Reacting to Cuban defending Biden's economy and criticizing Trump, one user on X wrote, "MAGA really doesn’t understand basic economics."


One user tweeted, "The numbers don’t lie! But Trump and his supporters definitely do."


"I just struggle to believe that you actually think this is a complete and responsible analysis of economies over these periods of time. I refuse to believe you’re that person, which means you’re doing it for another reason. I just don’t know what that reason is," a netizen commented.


"The Biden policies have [been] a disaster...for the economy, for the world, for our border. for everything!" a netizen commented.


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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