‘It took two bus loads of Venezuelans!’: Jon Stewart mocks NYC Mayor Eric Adams' U-turn on migrant policy

‘It took two bus loads of Venezuelans!’: Jon Stewart mocks NYC Mayor Eric Adams' U-turn on migrant policy
Jon Stewart criticized New York City Mayor Eric Adams for swiftly reversing his liberal stance on migrants (The Daily Show/YouTube)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In a recent episode of 'The Daily Show', host Jon Stewart took aim at New York City Mayor Eric Adams for what he deemed a stark reversal of his liberal stance on migrants.

Stewart humorously pointed out that this change of heart seemingly occurred with remarkable speed, joking that it took "two bus loads of Venezuelans" to prompt the shift.

Democrats' unwavering principles on immigration

During a segment addressing the migrant crisis at the southern border, Stewart highlighted the Democrats' historical commitment to principles on the matter.

"You can't scare the Democrats because the one thing that the Democrats have [is] principles," Stewart quipped. "When it comes to immigration, the Democrats hold to our country's cherished ideals — the eternal promise etched at the feet of Lady Liberty that speaks to our better angels."

Stewart then played a clip of Mayor Adams expressing sentiments about New York as a place where the Statue of Liberty symbolizes the call to "Bring us your tired, those who are yearning to be free." The Daily Show host emphasized the unshakeable American values of compassion and empathy, suggesting that these principles are integral to the nation's identity.

Stewart's satirical take

However, Stewart turned the humor up a notch as he showcased news coverage of buses filled with migrants arriving in New York City.

Mocking the mayor's apparent change of tone, Stewart exclaimed, "That's all you got?… You are never gonna change our values because you're afraid, so keep sending those busloads because we've got plenty of room in our hearts and in this city."

The comedian then played a series of clips featuring Adams stating, "We have no more room in this city," and expressing concerns that migrants could "destroy New York City."

Stewart seized the opportunity to question the mayor's apparent shift from compassionate values to fear-based rhetoric, asking, "What about the yearnings and the tiredness and the tiredness of those who are doing the yearning?"


Stewart's visual commentary on Dem U-turn

In a satirical twist, Stewart transformed a photo of the Statue of Liberty into an image of the iconic monument wielding a rifle. This visual metaphor served as a pointed commentary on the perceived transformation from embracing migrants to adopting a more defensive stance.

“What about the yearnings and the tiredness and the tiredness of those who are doing the yearning?” questioned Stewart. “Yes, it turns out in the age-old battle between values and fear, values never had a f*cking chance!”

In his closing remarks, Stewart humorously summarized the situation, suggesting that it took only "two bus loads of Venezuelans" for the city's perspective to shift.

 “It took two bus loads of Venezuelans to go from this to this."

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