Jimmy Kimmel rips into Donald Trump after ex-POTUS praises Ron DeSantis for endorsing him

Jimmy Kimmel rips into Donald Trump after ex-POTUS praises Ron DeSantis for endorsing him
Jimmy Kimmel humorously dissects former President Donald Trump's ever-changing opinions about politicians on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' (Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Late-night television host Jimmy Kimmel recently took a playful swipe at former President Donald Trump for his ever-changing opinions on politicians.

Specifically, Kimmel highlighted the praise Trump has lavished upon Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, despite previously dismissing him as a non-contender.

 Kimmel's monologue on 'Jimmy Kemmel Live!' had witty remarks about the dynamic between Trump and DeSantis.

Kimmel chronicles Trump's rollercoaster relationship with DeSantis

Kimmel began his monologue by recollecting some of Trump's earlier comments on Ron DeSantis, highlighting the stark contrast between the past and current times.

Kimmel showed Trump saying, "Without my endorsement, he would have come in last. I said, 'Ron, you're so far behind, you don't have a chance. You're dead'."

The comedian emphasized Trump's initial lack of faith in DeSantis, painting a picture of a doomed candidacy.

The late-night host went on to refer to Trump's derogatory nickname for DeSantis –'Ron DeSanctimonious'.

Kimmel pointed out that Trump had once labeled DeSantis as a "disaster," highlighting the rapid decline in his poll numbers, especially in Florida, where he is no longer as popular as he once was.

Turning 'Ron DeSanctimonious' into a comedic chorus

In a classic Kimmel style, the comedian echoed Trump's repetitive use of the term "Sanctimonious," turning it into a humorous refrain in his monologue.

"Ron DeSanctimonious, RonDeSanctimonious, Ron DeSanctimonious – DeSanctimonious, DeSanctimonious, DeSanct, DeSanctus." Kimmel added his comedic touch to the contradictory statements made by the former president.

The late-night host then shifted his focus to Trump's criticism of DeSantis's personality. He quoted Trump as saying, "You have to have personality. He needs a personality transplant, and those are not yet available."

DeSantis' 6-inch heels

Kimmel seized the opportunity to joke about DeSantis' footwear and walking style.

Kimmel quoted Trump saying, "He's standing up with those shoes, fancy shoes. I don't have 6-inch heels. His feet are weird. He's walking away. I thought he was wearing ice skates."

Kimmel's comedic pinnacle came when he quoted Trump's assertion that even if historical figures like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln came back from the dead to endorse DeSantis, it wouldn't guarantee a victory.

The late-night host hilariously added, "And Jesus told me he hates you too, but I think you're a terrific guy."

This line underscored the absurdity of Trump's shifting opinions.


Kimmel wrapped up his monologue by discussing the narrow field of potential endorsements, joking about Nikki Haley being the only option remaining after DeSantis dropped out of the race.

The comedian humorously pondered the scenario of being left alone with Trump, alluding to every woman's nightmare.

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