Joe Biden shredded as Sean Hannity claims POTUS' immigration policies have essentially 'dissolved' US borders

Joe Biden shredded as Sean Hannity claims POTUS' immigration policies have essentially 'dissolved' US borders
Sean Hannity delivered a scathing monologue against President Joe Biden's new executive action (Fox News/YouTube, Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Fox News host Sean Hannity delivered a scathing critique of President Joe Biden's recent DACA address during his show 'Hannity', expressing strong disapproval of the administration's immigration policies.

The president's latest executive action would safeguard undocumented spouses of American citizens, protecting approximately 500,000 immigrants from deportation, as per NBC News.

This policy, described as a "new action to keep families together," would allow noncitizens who have been in the country for at least 10 years and are married to a US citizen, and their children, to apply for permanent residence without leaving the country.

The White House also took the opportunity to highlight its stringent measures against unlawful border crossings and efforts to dismantle human smuggling networks.

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE - OCTOBER 26: Sean Hannity speaks onstage during the 2019 Politicon at Music Ci
Fox News host Sean Hannity heavily criticized President Joe Biden's new policy, which would protect around 500,000 immigrants from deportation (Getty Images)

Sean Hannity accuses President Joe Biden of giving immigrants a fast track to citizenship

During his show, Hannity said, "In another desperate ploy to win votes Joe has single-handedly decided to give more than 500,000 illegal immigrants amnesty. They broke our laws. They didn't respect our borders or our sovereignty. They cut in line and now Biden is giving them a fast track to citizenship," as per Fox News

Highlighting the ongoing migrant crisis, the Fox News host stressed, "Today, Biden flat-out lied again, claimed that the border is secure ... In some twisted fantasy, Joe Biden said the border, he secured it on his own. Really? No, it was secure and you screwed it up." 

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 06: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference in the State
President Joe Biden issued an administrative move allowing certain US citizens' spouses without legal status to apply for permanent residency (Getty Images)

Hannity emphasized his belief that the Biden administration is failing to address the broader issues of border security, noting, "Now, despite the chaos and the violence in the polls, Joe Biden refuses to secure our borders. He doesn't even try." 

He cited a recent report by Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, who observed significant border activity. "Early this morning, our very own Bill Melugin witnessed yet another mass crossing of people from all over the world, including our top geopolitical foe, China," noted the journalist. 

Hannity pointed out, "Melugin reporting that he hasn't seen the National Guard at California's border with Mexico in months. Now, thanks to Biden, our borders have basically dissolved. The country is now in a free-for-all."

Internet reacts to Sean Hannity's remarks regarding President Joe Biden's new immigration policy

Hannity's critiques resonated with several viewers who equally disregarded Biden's immigration policies, with one expressing, "The blatant disregard for it is what’s astonishing. They act like nothing is happening. The motives are clear though."

Another shared, "New World order with no border," and a person wrote, "They didn't dissolve. He removed them and invited terrorists in."

"Bidens brain is dissolved, Obama is running the border," declared someone else. 





"Biden can not win election so he decided to give America away for FREE," said another person, while one more added, "Insiders estimate 20 - 30 million came in on Joe's watch."

An individual simply wrote, "And America sleeps……." 

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.  

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