Joe Scarborough slammed after he accuses Trump of 'embracing communists' while treating his opponents in US as enemies

Joe Scarborough slammed after he accuses Trump of 'embracing communists' while treating his opponents in US as enemies
Joe Scarborough criticized Donald Trump in an X (previously Twitter) post (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Former President Donald Trump drew parallels between his domestic political adversaries and foreign adversaries from World War II, suggesting that both sought to eradicate the American way of life.

In response to Trump's statement, Joe Scarborough took to social media recently, tweeting, "Trump embraces communists in China, North Korea, and Russia while proclaiming that any Americans that oppose him are greater enemies to the US. The audience cheered. The sickness of Trump’s personality cult grows."

Scarborough's tweet criticizing Trump drew various online reactions, with many mocking him.


Trump's passionate speech at the Christian media convention emphasizes internal threats

Speaking passionately at the National Religious Broadcasters International Christian Media Convention in Nashville, the 77-year-old Republican frontrunner emphasized that the most significant danger to America emanates from those he referred to as "sick" individuals within the nation, rather than from foreign adversaries.

As per Daily Mail, the former POTUS drew parallels to historic events such as the D-Day landings and invoked one of the deadliest battles fought by American forces against Nazi Germany, underscoring the ongoing need for divine intervention to secure victory in contemporary challenges.

In one of his last appearances before Saturday's GOP presidential primary in South Carolina, where he currently maintains a commanding 30-point lead over his rival Nikki Haley in most polls, he addressed the religious broadcasters.


Reflecting on the significance of 1944, the year of D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge, he said, "1944 was the year of D-Day, the Battle of Bulge and our country was at war with an enemy that wanted to extinguish our way of life forever."

"But here at home, Christians knew that victory depended not only on the force of American arms but also on the faith in American Hearts," Trump further said. 

"This time, the greatest threat is not from the outside of our country, I really believe this. It’s the people from within our country that are more dangerous. They’re very sick people. To achieve victory in this fight, just like in the battles of the past, we still need the hand of our Lord," he added. 

Internet users criticize Scarborough's remarks dubbing him 'twisted' and 'pathetic

In response to these recent developments, internet users have criticized Scarborough's remarks, expressing their lack of support for the Fox News host's statement.

One individual tweeted, "You are a twisted little man @JoeNBC."


Another commenter simply stated, "Pathetic!!" while a different person asserted, "You’re the enemy Joe."



A user remarked, "Joe can't stop talking about Trump. He must have a jealousy thing going on."


Another person added, "Says Soviet Joe Scarborough."


"You’re so full of it! You’re nothing but a propaganda arm of the socialist/communist democrats!! The majority of Americans know the truth and more people, even across the aisle, are waking up to the disaster of the Biden admin and the Democrat ideologies! #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica," expressed another commenter.



"Nobody outside of your cloistered circle of Trump haters believes you," voiced another critic.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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