'He does propaganda': Joe Scarborough sparks debate as he slams Fox News and RNC for using manipulated videos to undermine Joe Biden

'He does propaganda': Joe Scarborough sparks debate as he slams Fox News and RNC for using manipulated videos to undermine Joe Biden
Joe Scarborough vehemently criticized Fox News and the RNC for repeatedly using manipulated videos to undermine President Joe Biden (Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Joe Scarborough strongly criticized Fox News and the Republican National Committee (RNC) for their repeated use of manipulated videos to undermine President Joe Biden, accusing them of perpetuating falsehoods that ultimately backfire by setting low expectations that Biden consistently exceeds.

During Tuesday’s broadcast, Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski highlighted remarks from Fox’s Howie Kurtz on Sunday’s MediaBuzz, where he addressed the misrepresentation of Biden’s actions at the G7 summit in conservative media, including within Fox News itself.

Joe Scarborough condemns Murdoch media's falsehoods about Biden

According to Mediaite, Scarborough expressed dismay at what he described as deliberate falsehoods spread by the Murdoch media empire—comprising outlets like the New York Post, the Wall Street Journal, and Fox News—about Biden allegedly giving a thumbs-up to parachuters.

"There’s a deliberate effort in the middle of a presidential election for the Murdoch media empire to deliberately lie about what Howie Kurtz was talking about on Fox News and Joe Biden giving the thumb’s up to parachuters," Scarborough said, critiquing the media ecosystem for spreading misleading or outright false stories about Biden.


Later in the broadcast, Scarborough and Brzezinski discussed White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre’s response to these "cheapfakes," highlighting a defiant tweet from the RNC’s social media account, RNCResearch, which continued to circulate misleading videos despite criticism.

"The Republican accounts are claiming the videos are unedited and promise to keep posting them," Brzezinski noted, prompting Scarborough to interject, "'A lie, a lie, a lie…it’s really all lies!'" Brzezinski added, "'And also, just if something is unedited, it’s really not showing the whole story.'"

Joe Scarborough decries manipulative tactics lowering Biden's expectations

Scarborough emphasized the irony of dishonest actors lying about their own lies, a tactic he attributed to perpetuators of misinformation. He argued that such tactics only serve to lower expectations for Biden, a strategy Scarborough believes consistently fails when Biden performs well, such as during State of the Union addresses.

Donald Trump mimicked a viral gaffe of Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Donald Trump mimicked a viral gaffe of Joe Biden (Getty Images)

"They lower expectations. They say he’s not cogent. And then he goes out and he does a really good job," Scarborough remarked, highlighting what he sees as the cyclic nature of false claims against Biden. He also criticized the track record of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, referring to them as "'0 and 7' in terms of significant political wins over the past seven years."

In conclusion, Scarborough urged greater efforts from Biden’s supporters to combat misinformation, emphasizing the need to expose lies propagated not only by the RNC but also by mainstream media outlets that he believes have become complicit in spreading falsehoods.

"'Maybe the Biden team, Democrats, and all who value American democracy need to work harder to get the truth out,'" Scarborough concluded. "'They need to expose these lies. Not only is the RNC lying, but mainstream media outlets are also now all in on the lies.'"

Online reactions highlight divisive views on Trump and Scarborough

The comments reflect polarized opinions on Trump's integrity and Scarborough's credibility, underscoring ongoing debates over political narratives and media trust.

One user wrote, "Con man Trump claimed he raised $200 million in donation during his trail and after his conviction. His FEC filing shows it was actually $9 million. His lies are becoming more and more desperate."

Another said, "Trump is a liar like his father."

One user replied, "No. Propaganda Joe only does propaganda!"

One added, "I’m sorry, but Joe Scarborough lost all credibility with me when he claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation and only fools believed it was real. Has he ever apologized and admitted that he was the fool?"

Another said, "Trump can't run on his record."

One commented, "Wow, Joe and Mika are freaking the F out over Joe Cadaver’s obvious senility"

Another added, "Keep in mind Joe Scarborough is on record saying Hunters laptop was also fake "Russian disinformation," so just consider the source 😂😂😂"

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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