‘Your gaslighting doesn’t work’: Joe Scarborough splits Internet as he slams pro-Trump media for ‘making s**t up’ about Joe Biden

‘Your gaslighting doesn’t work’: Joe Scarborough splits Internet as he slams pro-Trump media for ‘making s**t up’ about Joe Biden
Joe Scarborough flat-out accused right-leaning, pro-Trump media outlets of propogating lies to make Joe Biden look 'old and demented' (MSNBC, Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: On the Tuesday, June 11, episode of MSNBC’s 'Morning Joe', co-host Joe Scarborough criticized the media's disparate treatment of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, accusing right-leaning media outlets of fabricating stories about Biden.

Scarborough referenced a Washington Post editorial by Eugene Robinson titled 'Is Donald Trump Okay?' which condemned the media's unequal scrutiny of the two leaders.


Joe Scarborough mocks Donald Trump's ramblings and criticizes media's bias against Joe Biden

Robinson argued that it is irresponsible to focus on Biden’s occasional verbal slip-ups while ignoring Trump’s more concerning behavior, saying, "It is irresponsible to obsess over President Biden’s tendency to mangle a couple of words in a speech while Donald Trump is out there sounding detached from reality."

Scarborough mocked Trump for his incoherent statements, including bizarre comments from a recent Las Vegas rally where Trump talked about electric batteries and sharks.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski mocked Trump for spouting nonsense (MSNBC)
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski mocked  Donald Trump for spouting nonsense (MSNBC)

He also criticized other news outlets for their biased coverage, highlighting the contrast between their treatment of Trump and Biden.

Scarborough began by praising Biden's recent speech at the D-Day commemoration, arguing that if Biden had delivered the same speech under different circumstances, it would have received widespread acclaim.

"I do think Gene makes a great point. If Joe Biden had given one of those speeches, it would be on the front page of The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal..." he said.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski chimed in, "Definitely the Wall Street Journal!"

Scarborough continued, "The Washington Post. And everybody would be doing exactly what they were saying. But for Biden, Biden goes to D-Day — and we’re going to talk about this in a little bit. The Washington Post just posted a story this morning — he does a fantastic job, and they actually use cheap fakes where they’re trying to make it look, 'Oh, he’s trying to sit down!' And 'Oh my god, [he’s looking for] a chair that’s not there!'"

Joe Scarborough blasts GOP and media for fabricating lies to undermine Joe Biden

Joe Scarborough further criticized the Republican Party for fabricating stories to make President Biden look bad, using examples such as misrepresenting Biden's actions during an event where Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was still speaking.

He then compared this to a Wall Street Journal story that knowingly published false claims made by former congressman Kevin McCarthy.

"The Wall Street Journal runs a front page story, a lead story that they know is a lie. So with Biden, the Republican Party has to make s**t up. And I’m sorry, I can’t think of a better way to say that, to try to make Biden look old and demented."

(Getty Images)
Joe Scarborough claimed Republicans were resorting to outright lies to present Joe Biden in bad light (Getty Images)

He contrasted this with the media's handling of Trump, who frequently makes controversial and erroneous statements.

He said, "Trump, he does it every day. He’s out on the campaign trail and people just laugh. 'Well, yeah. He’s crazy. Wow, look at that. Can you believe he’s so stupid that he’s talking about this? And he melts down when his teleprompter goes down? That’s funny!' And that’s the political world we’re living in in 2024."

Internet reacts to Joe Scarborough's claims about media's differential treatment

Joe Scarborough's criticism of pro-Trump media lying about Joe Biden sparked mixed reactions from viewers.

A particular viewer expressed, "This is reality, conservative media cannot normalize Trump. So, they have go after Biden and make him look like crazy one even if it requires lying."

Following suit, another observer added, "Conservatives media is the GOP’s propaganda arm."

A follower contributed, "MAGAs are nourished by fears."

Another comment echoed, "Trump is a cancer. MAGA is the cancer spreading."

An individual elaborated further, saying, "If Republicans told the truth they would never get elected, not even accidentally."

However, a viewer dismissed Scarborough's claims, "Your gaslighting doesn't work anymore. Even the ignorant loons here see it for what it is."

A comment underscored, "I love watching the 4 year long compilations videos of Biden slurring, getting lost on stage, forgetting world leader names and shaking hands with ghosts."

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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