'Real Jesus looks down at him': Internet backs Joe Scarborough as he bashes Donald Trump over remarks about relationship with God

'Real Jesus looks down at him': Internet backs Joe Scarborough as he bashes Donald Trump over remarks about relationship with God
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough laughed hard on Tuesday over Donald Trump’s evasive take on how he prays to God (MSNBC, Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was in stitches on June 4, laughing uproariously at Donald Trump's evasive answer regarding his prayer habits. 

The 'Morning Joe' host eventually regained his composure and criticized the Republican candidate for dodging the question about his relationship with God. “Just go to church once,” Scarborough retorted.


Joe Scarborough calls Trump's relationship with God 'beyond parody"

During a recent 'Fox & Friends' interview, a viewer had asked Trump, "What’s your relationship with God like, and how do you pray?” Instead of providing a straightforward answer, Trump sidestepped the inquiry, prompting Scarborough's reaction.

“OK, so I think it is good,” Trump replied. “I do very well with the evangelicals. I love the evangelicals. And I have more people saying they pray for me ― I can’t even believe it. They are so committed, and they are so believing. They say, ‘Sir, you’re going to be OK. I pray for you every night.’ I mean, everybody, almost ― I can’t say everybody, but almost everybody that sees me, they say it.”


On the MSNBC segment, Scarborough paused for a moment of silence but couldn't hold back his derisive laughter.

“I mean, seriously, just go to church once, right? Just get the crib notes, right?” the host said. “When somebody asks you what your relationship is with God, don’t go, ‘Well, evangelicals vote for me.’ They say, ‘Sir, we vote for you.’”

Scarborough continued, “It’s just beyond parody,” before calling Trump’s comments “sad.”

Co-host Willie Geist humorously suggested that Trump should keep a few Bible verse printouts handy to recite at appropriate moments.

Co-host Willie Geist suggested Donald Trump carry around a few printouts of bible passages to recite for the right occasion (MSNBC)

Despite sidestepping questions about his personal faith in the Fox News interview, Trump has effectively garnered the support of the religious right.

He frames his legal troubles as persecution, a theme highlighted by The New York Times.

Recently, Trump has been concluding his rallies with a solemn message, saying, "The great silent majority is rising like never before. Under our leadership, we will pray to God for our strength and liberty. We will pray for God, and we will pray with God. We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God."

Netizens say 'Trump worships money and power, not God' 

Scarborough's words echoed with several viewers as many had their own opinions, supporting the hosts' claims. 

A viewer expressed online, "How anyone can take Trump seriously when he talks about God, the Bible or prayer is a mystery. Trump worships money and power, not God."

In a similar fashion, another observer added, "Whenever this guy says "They say, 'sir'..." whatever follows is a total lie, top to bottom, start to fniish. Also, whatever he says before that is a total lie too."

Furthermore, a viewer pointed out, "The Bible says “you will know them by their fruit.” Trumps fruit is rotten and infested with worms."

Joining the discussion, a follower shared, "And this is why people are staying away from the church in droves."

A remark underscored, "Did have a little leakage?"

Similarly, another comment echoed, "Trump's response makes sense, in his own mind, since he mindlessly interpreted the question about his relationship with god as a question about his relationship with himself.  "Well, evangelicals pray for [to] me."

An individual asked, "So Herrshitzenpants how did those prayers work for you in your New York trials recently?"

"Suffering though a day in a Court of Law is probably more palatable to the Cheeto Jesus than spending an hour in Church.Cheeto wouldn't last 5 minutes as a Catholic, all that sitting and standing and kneeling on command and the wooden pews. Ouch! All while the real Jesus looks down at him," read nother comment. 

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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