'Little Rascals' star Bug Hall called out for referring to his four daughters as 'dishwashers'

'Little Rascals' star Bug Hall called out for referring to his four daughters as 'dishwashers'
Brandon 'Bug' Hall faced backlash after he implied that his four daughters were 'dishwashers' (Getty Images)

AUSTIN, TEXAS: Hollywood actor Brandon "Bug" Hall — best known for playing Alfalfa Switzer in the 1994 classic film 'The Little Rascals' — has found himself in hot water with fans after making some distasteful remarks about his newborn son and his daughters.

Hall recently took to social media to celebrate the birth of his fifth child and first son. However, the mood quickly soured as fans blasted the actor for demeaning comments about his older daughters.

Brandon Hall's celebratory post goes awry

Brandon Hall announced the birth of his son Mark Athanasius Chad Anthony Hall-Barnett on Tuesday, September 17, with a series of photos of the newborn and his wife Jill in a hospital room. He proudly posted on X (formerly Twitter): "I have an heir."

The rest of the tweet read, "Mark Athanasius Chad Anthony Hall-Barnett of the Holy Cross was born at 4 am, weighing in at 9.5 lbs. Mama and baby are both doing great. My bride's fifth delivery, third all-natural... Athanasius Contra Mundum."


While the post was meant to celebrate his first son, fans quickly took issue with the phrasing of "heir" and questioned why his older daughters were not mentioned. One user bluntly asked, "You already have daughters. WTF is wrong with you?!" To this, Hall responded with a quip: "I said heir, not dishwasher."


It didn’t take long for Hall’s response to trigger a major backlash across social media. Many users called him “awful” and “disgusting” for making such a remark.

"You’re disgusting. You’re publicly demeaning your daughters to try and generate rage bait clicks. It’s the behavior of petulant, emasculated, child, and I pray for all of your children," one posted on X.

"For someone who professes a religion that places Mary, a woman, as the most important human and “mother of God” this comment really shows the lack of faith you profess. It would be appropriate for your wife to leave you and your daughters to hate you for this comment," another wrote.

"I pray god protects those precious little girls from your toxicity and projected self-loathing until they're old enough to disown you. get your heart right or end up in hell bro," a user added.

"I had family members that made "jokes" like that about me because I was a girl. Everyone laughed, but it wasn't funny to me. It hurt because it was true. I WAS the dishwasher in the family, for no other reason than I was the only girl," someone else wrote.

"I think we should not focus on the fact that this man is homeless, as homelessness is not something that should be shamed, and simply focus on the fact that he is a bad person," read a comment.

"It's going to be so funny when you're permanently disabled by the vagaries of time and your daughters aren't going to want to be around you long enough for caregiving lol," another chimed in.












Brandon Hall defends his humor

Brandon Hall stood by his comments despite the backlash, insisting that it was nothing more than a harmless joke.

"I made the same joke to my wife while she was in labor. We both had a good laugh. Hard as it is for you to comprehend, most normal people are still rich in humor and joy. Stay miserable, curmudgeon," he wrote in response to someone who suggested his wife should leave him.


Hall even responded to unrelated criticisms, such as the inclusion of a hyphen in his newborn son's name.

“I legally took my stepfather’s last name before I got married, because I wanted to honor him by giving my family his name. He’s a great man who raised me from a toddler. At the time I didn’t think it was a good idea to get rid of my professional name, hence the hyphen,” Hall responded.


For those unfamiliar with Hall's more recent life choices, the controversy might seem surprising. In 2020, Hall grabbed headlines when he decided to leave Hollywood behind and moved his family to the Midwest. He took a vow of poverty and embraced a life of Catholic homesteading.

His decision to leave acting coincided with an arrest in Weatherford, Texas, over Father’s Day weekend that year for allegedly inhaling an air duster. Police were called after someone was reported “huffing” near a dumpster, per a Fox News report.

Hall has largely focused on his family and faith since the incident — describing himself on his X profile as a “patriarch to 5 ladies,” a “medieval moralist,” and a “patriot," the New York Post reported.


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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