Internet divided as Laura Ingraham doubts credibility of Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen in Trump trial

Internet asks Laura Ingraham to 'look in the mirror' as she doubts Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen's credibility in Trump trial
Laura Ingraham portrayed an atmosphere where Trump's trial seemed unfair (foxnews/Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In her observations from the trial on Tuesday, Foxnews host Laura Ingraham expressed a sense of injustice towards Donald Trump, as she attended the proceedings in court.

She portrayed an atmosphere where Trump's treatment seemed unfair. Ingraham highlighted the setting of the courtroom, describing it as musty with old linoleum floors and hard oak benches, perhaps implying a sense of antiquity or severity surrounding the trial.

Courtroom atmosphere and systemic concerns

"Alright, first, let's take some quick takes on the atmosphere in the courtroom today, where I was. And to give you a sense of what the GOP frontrunner has been dealing with these past three weeks, the air is musty, the floors are old, tan, brown, linoleum, you know, remember those? And the bench is hard oak, with a stress on the word hard."

Moreover she added, "All right, after spending the day in the courtroom, as I did today, it was clearer than ever that the New York justice system, it's not just badly broken. It's perverted, and it's poisonous."

Ingraham questioned the validity of the charges against Trump, particularly emphasizing the unclear nature of the alleged crimes and the prosecution's shifting legal strategies.

"There's generally been a vague assertion, though, by the prosecution that Trump and Cohen and others somehow conspired together to violate state campaign finance laws."

She pointed out discrepancies in the charges and questioned the motives behind the prosecution's case, insinuating political bias aimed at aiding Joe Biden's reelection.

"How do you get to the point where you think Stormy Daniels and Jughead Cohen are more credible than Donald J Trump?"

"It's obvious to everyone, even the press, that this case was brought solely to help Joe Biden get reelected, and that is shameful, and that's the angle."


Assessing Michael Cohen's testimony: Laura Ingraham's critique

Regarding Michael Cohen's testimony, Ingraham painted him as an unconvincing witness, describing his demeanor as that of a "well-rehearsed dunderhead" who attempted to justify his actions as efforts to protect Trump.

"He explained away every unsavory action as motivated by his effort to quote protect Trump. Again a dutiful if misguided friend who just wanted to help his boss."

She criticized Cohen's evasiveness and vagueness in responses, suggesting he appeared over-prepared and lacking credibility.

"And when he was asked direct questions do you remember saying Trump was a misogynist a dictator so-and-so then so on on your podcast instead of just answering a simple yes it was could be or sounds like something I might say you know that sort of careful phrasing makes him sound like a guy who's been through too many prep sessions."

NATIONAL HARBOR, MARYLAND - FEBRUARY 28:   Talk show host Laura Ingraham speaks during CPAC 2019 Feb
Talk show host Laura Ingraham speaks during CPAC (Getty)

Ingraham even delved into a speculative psychoanalysis of Cohen, suggesting he may have harbored feelings of abandonment by Trump and sought revenge through his testimony.

"Now during the trial I tweeted that Cohen comes across as kind of a guy maybe with a daddy complex I know I'm being a psychoanalyst but just stay with me here. He feverishly sought the love and approval of Donald Trump and he wanted at some level to be just like him."

Public response: diverse views on credibility

The public response to Laura Ingraham's questioning of credibility showcased a spectrum of perspectives. Some users echoed a sentiment of longstanding distrust towards Donald J. Trump, suggesting that the threshold for viewing others as more credible than him had been crossed long ago.

One user wrote,"We reached that point a long, long time ago, Laura."


Another said, "They both credibly testified under oath, that’s why. And Trump never will because he’ll lie, that’s also why…"


One replied, "Well I agree both of them lie but they don't lie like a rug 38,000 times about everything."


One user said, "Because Trump is a liar Laura. Cut the crap girl."


Another said, "Oh, honey . . . *everyone* is more credible than Donald Trump."


One said, "Easy answer Laura: Just look in the mirror!"



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