Meghan McCain reveals having 'delusional thoughts' about potential dangers to her daughter amid post-partum anxiety

Meghan McCain reveals having 'delusional thoughts' about potential dangers to her daughter amid post-partum anxiety
Meghan McCain candidly reveals post-partum anxiety struggles after birth of her first daughter (Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In a recent interview, Meghan McCain shared her personal struggles with post-partum anxiety, shedding light on the challenges she faced after the birth of her first daughter, Liberty, who is now 3 years old.

The 39-year-old television personality revealed that she experienced "completely irrational, completely delusional thoughts" about potential dangers to her newborn.

Meghan McCain opens up about Post-Partum anxiety struggles

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 13:  Meghan McCain attends the 2015 Trevor Project NextGen Fall Fete on Nove
Meghan McCain sought medical advice and eventually found relief from her symptoms through a combination of antidepressants, therapy, acupuncture, and meditation. (Getty Images)

McCain admitted, "I told my friend that I thought that ninjas were going to break into our house and kidnap our daughter," she said. "I thought if I took her for a walk that someone would push the carriage over and steal her or hurt her. I thought that if anyone else touched my child that she was going to hyperventilate and die."

McCain noted that her friend eventually told her that she needed to talk to her OB-GYN about post-partum issues. Her husband, Ben Domenech, also agreed she needed additional support. McCain's husband, Ben Domenech, also expressed concern and support.

"I remember getting in the car and crying and my husband was like, You're not doing well; you're definitely having a lot of problems and you're very emotional and you're scared about things you shouldn't be scared about," she recalled.

Acknowledging the need for help, McCain sought medical advice and eventually found relief from her symptoms through a combination of antidepressants, therapy, acupuncture, and meditation. She emphasized the importance of addressing post-partum health openly and dispelling societal stigmas surrounding it.

"All of that combined really helped me. I would say within six months, I felt normal again," she revealed.

"It’s one of those things people sort of tell you that you should just deal with silently or should be embarrassed about," she explained, noting this also applies to reasonable expectations for what giving birth is like. "For me, it has not been healthy to see women in full hair and makeup giving birth."

Meghan McCain, now a mother of two with the arrival of Clover Jade in January 2023, has become an advocate for sharing her post-partum journey. She aims to raise awareness about the challenges new mothers face and encourages a more realistic portrayal of childbirth and parenting, countering the idealized images often seen on social media.

McCain candidly expressed that, personally, she is not physically capable of such glamorous moments during childbirth. She further discussed the challenges of navigating societal expectations, particularly in the age of social media, where idealized images of motherhood can create unrealistic standards.

"I have had to really sort of curate out the Pinterest-perfect Instagram mom stuff because it makes me feel bad about myself," McCain admitted.

Meghan McCain criticizes Jon Stewart's return to 'The Daily Show'

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 06:  Meghan McCain attends Variety's 3rd Annual Salute To Service at C
McCain, known for her right-wing political views, voiced her concerns about Stewart's return, criticizing the show's practice of not selecting a permanent host. (Getty Images)

Meghan McCain has expressed her disapproval of Jon Stewart's return to 'The Daily Show' after a nine-year hiatus. The political commentator, speaking on her podcast 'Meghan McCain Has Entered the Chat,' shared her thoughts on Stewart's evolution, describing him as the "most woke" and expressing her horror at the changes she perceives in him.

McCain, known for her right-wing political views, voiced her concerns about Stewart's return, criticizing the show's practice of not selecting a permanent host. She highlighted her previous admiration for Stewart during his early years on 'The Daily Show' but mentioned her disengagement when the show's focus became more critical of conservative politics.

“I was horrified at the sort of creature he has morphed into. I found him to be the most woke, I didn’t recognize the Jon that I grew up loving. Now, he’s coming back to the ‘Daily Show,' McCain said.

Expressing uncertainty about which version of Jon Stewart will appear on the show, McCain questioned the purpose of the show if it aligns with a specific political perspective. She pondered whether the show would continue to cater to a particular audience or maintain a diverse and inclusive approach.

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