Nancy Mace called 'bats**t insane' as she labels Joe Biden 'a lifelong racist' over his illegal border crossing policies

Nancy Mace called 'bats**t insane' as she labels Joe Biden 'a lifelong racist' over his illegal border crossing policies
Nancy Mace recently criticized President Joe Biden's immigration policies (Getty Images/Facebook)

WASHINGTON, DC: South Carolina's GOP Representative Nancy Mace faced intense backlash online after she reportedly called President Joe Biden a "lifelong racist" during an interview.

Mace criticized the administration's immigration policies, including the decision not to deport undocumented immigrants, not finishing a border wall, and reversing former President Donald Trump's policies.

Rep Nancy Mace blames border policies for crime surge

Speaking with Fox News anchor Jon Scott on Sunday, May 19, Mace claimed that the lack of border security has led to increased crime and American deaths. "Even in my district, just last week, there was an infant tragically killed on the roads by an illegal alien in South Carolina," she said.

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 02: Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) departs a House Republican Conference meeting at the U.S. Capitol on November 2, 2023 in Washington, DC. House Republicans held a conference meeting to discuss the party agenda. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
Rep Nancy Mace (R-SC) (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Mace continued, "We’re seeing deaths. We’re seeing people affected by illegals every single day in this country, and we’ve got to put a stop to it."

Minutes after this statement, Mace asserted that Biden is a "lifelong racist" and noted that Trump has "more significant support amongst Black voters" than any other recent Republican presidential candidate.


Rep Nancy Mace slams Joe Biden’s record with Black voters

When asked by Scott about Biden's support among Black voters, Mace responded, "I think he’s in significant trouble. If you look at the polls in swing states, he’s down in all but one to Donald Trump. He needs as many voters and as much support as he can. But the problem is he hasn’t done what he said he was going to do for Black and brown African-American communities. And he needs these voters. But I look at Joe Biden and he’s a lifelong racist," reported Media.

(Getty Images)
President Joe Biden (Getty Images)

"This is a guy who didn’t want his children raised in a racist ‘jungle,’ according to him. And he told Black voters just a few years ago, ‘You ain’t Black’ if you didn’t vote for him. And that kind of divisive language isn’t the kind of thing that wins Black hearts and minds," added Mace.

(Getty Images)
Donald Trump (Getty Images)

She further criticized Biden's presidency, claiming he has been "very divisive" and has failed to deliver on promises regarding inflation, border security, and jobs.

"Everybody is worse, including Black voters and women under Joe Biden than they were under Donald Trump. And Donald Trump’s polling..he’s got more significant support among Black voters than any Republican that I can think of in recent history who’s run for president," Mace asserted.

Nancy Mace slammed for calling Joe Biden 'lifelong racist'

The internet blasted Nancy Mace on X (formerly Twitter) for her remarks about President Joe Biden.

One social media user tweeted, "Mace doesn’t realize how embarrassed she should be."

Another added, "The projection, it burns!" 



Another said, "They are illegally here, that's a statement of fact. Biden has made racist statements, also a fact."


"Well, of course. Trump is a real racist and anti-Semite, as is pretty much every other Republican. So they have to accuse the other side in order to deflect," read a tweet.

"These MAGAt politicians are bats**t insane," claimed another user.



"Nancy Mace is lying and falsely accusing President Biden of being racist because Nancy Mace is the biggest racist of all," one person wrote.


"Being against illegal immigration does not make one a racist - How stupid are you to imply that Mediaite? Being close lifelong friends with KKK members as Biden was and making clearly racist comment is quite different," another added.


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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