Nancy Pelosi blasts Trump for 'willfully betraying his oath' during January 6 Capitol riots in DNC speech

Nancy Pelosi blasts Trump for 'willfully betraying his oath' during January 6 Capitol riots in DNC speech
Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized former President Donald Trump for his handling of the January 6 Capitol riots (Getty Images)

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: Former Speaker and Democrat powerbroker Nancy Pelosi did not hold back in her criticism of former President Donald Trump on the night of August 21, particularly regarding the January 6th riots at the US Capitol.

Pelosi’s scathing remarks came during the third night of the Democratic National Convention, where she took the opportunity to remind her party—and the nation—of what she described as a "perilous moment for our democracy."

Donald Trump’s alleged role in the Capitol attack

In her speech, Nancy Pelosi did not mince words as she condemned Donald Trump’s actions during the January 6th insurrection. She accused him of "willfully betraying his oath of office."

“Never before had a president of the United States so brazenly assaulted the bedrock of our democracy, so gleefully embraced political violence, so willfully betrayed his oath of office,” she said.

“Let us not forget who assaulted democracy on January 6th,” Pelosi said, pausing before adding, “He did!” referring to Trump. She then continued, “But let us not forget who saved democracy that day,” pausing again before declaring, “We did!”


Pelosi’s speech was not just another critique of Trump but also a reflection on the broader implications of the attack.

“The parable of January 6th reminds us that our democracy is only as strong as the courage and commitment of those entrusted with its care. And we must choose leaders who believe in free and fair elections and who respect the peaceful transfer of power,” she continued. “The choice couldn’t be clearer. Those leaders are Vice President Harris and Governor Walz.”

Nancy Pelosi's history with Donald Trump

Nancy Pelosi’s sharp denunciation of Donald Trump is hardly a new phenomenon. Throughout Trump’s four years in office, Pelosi, as the leader of the House Democrats, frequently clashed with the President. They locked horns on numerous issues, including abortion rights, immigration, healthcare, and election integrity.

Her tenure as Speaker was marked by overseeing two impeachments of Trump. The first impeachment concerned Trump’s alleged attempt to leverage US military aid to Ukraine for political favors, while the second focused on his alleged role in inciting the January 6th attack.

Representing a San Francisco district since 1987, Pelosi has been a powerful figure in the House for nearly four decades. She spoke warmly of Kamala Harris, who has also served in various capacities in California such as the city’s district attorney, the state’s attorney general, and later as a US senator.

“I’ve known Kamala Harris for decades,” Pelosi said. "Personally, I know her as a person of deep faith, reflected in her community, care, and service. Officially, she is a leader of strength, with wisdom and eloquence on policy—most recently, fighting for women’s right to choose,” she continued.

“Politically,” she added, Harris is “astute and strategic in winning difficult elections — quickly securing the nomination with dignity and grace and choosing Tim Walz as our vice president.”


Pelosi’s legacy as a shrewd political strategist is well-established, with her leadership proving instrumental in passing landmark legislation such as the Affordable Care Act, Dodd-Frank banking regulations, and the Inflation Reduction Act, CNBC reported.

Nancy Pelosi's relations with Joe Biden

While Nancy Pelosi’s speech was primarily focused on Donald Trump and the January 6th events, it also touched upon her relationship with President Joe Biden.

It's worth noting that it was Pelosi who pulled the strings behind the scenes to persuade Biden to step aside and not seek reelection—thereby paving the way for Harris to become the Democratic nominee.

Given the situation, the move has reportedly strained relations between Pelosi and Biden, with reports indicating a month-long silence between the two leading up to the convention.


Despite this tension, Pelosi extended an olive branch during her speech, lauding Biden for his achievements in office.

She praised him for enacting some of the most significant legislation in recent history, including bills aimed at boosting infrastructure, combating climate change, promoting domestic manufacturing, and supporting businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pelosi thanked Biden for his "patriotic vision of a fairer America," insisting that he would be remembered as "one of the most successful presidencies of modern times." She concluded with a heartfelt, "Thank you, Joe!"

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