Nikki Haley predicts Biden 'will not be the Democrat nominee' after first presidential debate with Trump

Nikki Haley predicts Biden 'will not be the Democrat nominee' after first presidential debate with Trump
Nikki Haley has piled on President Joe Biden after his shaky debate performance (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, now firmly in Donald Trump's camp after a contentious Republican primary battle, didn't mince words in her assessment of President Joe Biden's recent debate performance.

Democrats are reeling in the aftermath of Biden's repeated lapses and moments of silence during the debate, sparking intense discussions behind closed doors about whether he should remain the party's standard-bearer.

Donald Trump (teamtrump/ Instagram)
Donald Trump has not named Nikki Haley Haley's for potential running mates
(teamtrump/ Instagram)

Joe Biden's viability under scrutiny after lackluster debate performance

Independent voters have echoed these concerns, with a clear majority now questioning Biden's viability as the Democratic nominee after his lackluster showing against Trump. Thursday night's debate showcased Biden appearing visibly worn, struggling to maintain his thoughts and often trailing off mid-sentence, seemingly reflecting his 81 years.

In contrast, Trump, 78, capitalized on these moments to press his advantage, leaving Biden on the defensive and unable to effectively counter some of Trump's more audacious claims. "Mark my words… Biden will not be the Democrat nominee. Republicans, get your guard up!" Haley declared, underscoring a sentiment gaining momentum within GOP circles.


Despite her strong showing in Republican primaries, Haley's name has not surfaced prominently on Trump's shortlists for potential running mates, despite her vocal support for his campaign. In Atlanta, where the debate unfolded, other potential vice presidential contenders rallied around Trump, amplifying criticisms of Biden's performance.

Meanwhile, Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, made a pit stop at a local Waffle House to grab a meal before jetting off to Raleigh, North Carolina, for a campaign event scheduled for Friday. Reflecting on the debate, Biden offered a measured assessment to reporters traveling with him, asserting, "I think we did well."

Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Joe Biden appeared visibly worn, struggling to maintain his thoughts during debate
(Getty Images)

When pressed on mounting Democratic calls for him to step down and concerns over his performance, Biden brushed off the speculation, remarking, "No. It’s hard to debate a liar." Biden attributed his subdued demeanor to feeling under the weather, admitting, "I have a sore throat." reported Daily Mail.

Throughout the debate, Biden's voice appeared strained, exacerbating his struggles to articulate coherent policy positions. His lackluster performance has intensified fears within the Democratic camp, with reports circulating of internal discussions about potentially replacing Biden as the nominee on the ballot.

Internet users mock Nikki Haley's nominee prediction

A social media user tweeted, "Vivek told you this last year in the debates and you mocked him. We don’t need you to chime in on this one."

Another said, "Mark my words….Nikki Haley will not be the Republican nominee."

A third claimed, "U should be running as independent. U would have won this thing easily."

A fourth said, "We already predicted this long ago. Take a seat, Nikki."

"Many of us have been saying this for over 12 months," read a tweet.












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