Laura Ingraham faces criticism after wondering if Russia is stronger now than it was during Trump's tenure

'Obviously': Laura Ingraham faces criticism after wondering if Russia is stronger now than it was during Trump's tenure
Laura Ingraham sparked criticism on Fox News for asking if Russia is stronger now than during Trump's presidency (Getty/Foxnews)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Laura Ingraham faced criticism on Monday night for posing a peculiar question on Fox News, "Is Russia stronger now than it was under Trump?" The video prompted an immediate response, highlighting that Russia was never under Trump, as Vladimir Putin is the nation's president.

Despite syntactic errors, Ingraham seems to be inquiring whether Russia's strength has increased compared to Trump's presidency, as indicated by her own response.

She pointed to factors such as Putin's popularity, the potential victory in Ukraine, and the decent return from oil prices despite sanctions, suggesting that strength has risen under Biden, not under Trump.

Ingraham's analysis on Vladimir Putin's popularity and Joe Biden's administration

She stated, “Is Russia stronger now than it was under Trump? What I see on the cusp of winning in Ukraine, Putin's popularity seems to be, I don't know, fairly strong. Price of oil, decent return for him despite sanctions. So who's gotten stronger? Under Biden, not under Trump.”


Internet reacts to Putin's strength and US politics

The Twitter discourse on the perceived strength of Russia, particularly in comparison to its status under the leadership of Donald Trump, reflects a range of opinions.

While some users,  attribute any increase in Putin's strength to the US House GOP's reluctance to provide aid to Ukraine and criticize media figures like Laura Ingraham for echoing Putin's talking points, others like express skepticism, questioning the strength assessment in light of potential troop losses during the Ukraine invasion.

One user wrote, "Any increase in Putin’s strength is **directly** attributable to US House G☭P, who refuse to send aid to Ukraine," 


Another added, "Like the good little Comrade she is, @IngrahamAngle recites Putin’s talking points."


Another wrote, "Trump was never a strongman when it came to Russia. He ignored Putin when he took bounties out on American soldiers’s heads, he didn’t hold him responsible for interfering in our election as was laid out in the Mueller report, he hasn’t called him out for war crimes or murder."


One commented, "Well, if Russia has lost the estimated 300,000 troops in its invasion of Ukraine. I’d say no."


One wrote, "America is stronger now than it was under Putin."


One user suggested, "Russia is obviously stronger now. They don't regard Biden. They regarded and feared Trump."


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