Puppy killer Kristi Noem's docu celebrates her as animal lover but it might be too late for damage control

Puppy killer Kristi Noem's docu celebrates her as animal lover but it might be too late for damage control
Kristi Noem's documentary details childhood incidents of her caring for animals (X/ @TransitionCLE)

PIERRE, SOUTH DAKOTA: Kristi Noem has reportedly tried to improve her image as well as increase her chance of being Donald Trump's running mate by releasing a new documentary, which claims she is an “animal lover.”

The Governor of South Dakota has been out of the limelight after a book by her reportedly mentioned that she took the life of her 14-month-old puppy Cricket because of the animal’s “aggressive personality.”


Kristi Noem says she 'loved animals' in documentary

The admission in ‘No Going Back: The Truth on What's Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward’ led to a lot of negative attention for her but now in the documentary, Noem has stated, as reported by Newsweek, “I loved to be outside, and I was the kid that loved animals.”

Noem says in the 45-minute documentary produced by Cleveland-based company Transition Studios, “So from the time I was five, six years old even all the neighbors knew how much I loved animals and would bring me random animals they would find, or needed nursing or taking care of.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS - MAY 27: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem speaks during the National Rifle Association
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem was branded as an animal lover in a desperate attempt to land on Trump's VP list (Getty Images)

“Even if the livestock sales barn had a donkey or goat or something that went through that nobody bought that day, they would call my dad and say 'Does Kristi want this?' So that was my passion and love,” the 52-year-old added.

Internet slams Kristi Noem as ‘a loser’

The documentary has garnered a sea of reactions online with a reader writing below the Newsweek article, “Kinda late for damage control. Besides, I seriously doubt that Trump would have picked her as his VP anyway.”

The second reader commented, “Dog shooter Kristi Noem will never be able to put that story back in the box. She's stuck with it.”

The third one said, “Too late, Governor. You'll always be South Dakota's Cruella DeVille.”

The fourth one stated, “‘So that was my passion and love,…’ WAS your passion because as an adult it looks like you grew out of it.”

The fifth one added, “Forget it Pretty Kristi, you're toast. Trump doesn't even want you. Well, l mean for VP.”

ORLANDO, FLORIDA - FEBRUARY 27: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem addresses the Conservative Political A
Kristi Noem said she 'loved animals as a kid' in a new glossy documentary (Getty Images)

“Are you serious? She loves animals! What hypocrisy! I wouldn't watch that documentary if they paid me. 45 minutes worth of lies. Her family was brought in to try and paint her in a different light. SHAME ON THEM. how in Jesus's name do you shoot a dog, watch it die right in front of you, and you claim to love animals? If there really is a heaven and that other dark place, we already know where some people are headed.  RIP CRICKET! And the goat and the horses she ‘had to put down’. They will be waiting for her on the other side,” a comment read.

“What a loser. She killed Cricket due to her own incompetent training of the dog. She is nothing but a gun-happy animal abuser. Should be banned from owning any animal,” another comment read.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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