Seth Meyers mocks Nikki Haley for calling Donald Trump 'unhinged' after serving under his administration

Seth Meyers mocks Nikki Haley for calling Donald Trump 'unhinged' after serving under his administration
Late-night host Seth Meyers provides a humorous take on Nikki Haley's recent critique of Donald Trump's mental state (Late Night with Seth Meyers/YouTube)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In the ever-evolving drama of American politics, one might think that certain characters have faded into the background.

However, the unexpected return of Nikki Haley to the spotlight, particularly her recent remarks about Donald Trump's mental state, has caught the attention of late-night host Seth Meyers.

In a recent episode of 'A Closer Look,' Meyers didn't hold back as he dissected Haley's critique of the former president.

Meyers unpacks Trump's puzzling statements and Fox News' distancing act

Meyers kicked off his segment by highlighting some recent Trumpian escapades, including the controversial claim that his own supporters couldn't pass a cognitive test meant to screen for dementia.

The late-night host also pointed out how even Fox News, a network often supportive of Trump, seemingly distanced itself from the former president after a staggering $83 million judgment in the E Jean Carroll defamation trial. With this backdrop, Meyers dived into Haley's recent comments.

"It's easy to forget, but there is still a person named Nikki Haley, and she is still running against Donald Trump," Meyers quipped, setting the stage for the analysis that followed.

He characterized Haley's presence in the race as something karmic, comparing it to the irritation many feel towards Trump himself. Meyers humorously noted, "That's how Donald Trump feels about Nikki Haley. He wants her to go away so badly, but she’s still in the race."

Haley says Trump 'is in decline' and Meyers' satirical spin

Haley had accused Trump of being on the decline, stating, "I do think that he is in decline. On election night, we were super excited. We had moved 25 points in the three weeks leading up to the election, and Donald Trump was totally unhinged, unhinged."

Meyers couldn't resist injecting his own comedic flair into the hypothetical reaction from Trump, imagining a calm response that ends with a philosophical query about political civility.

However, Meyers didn't shy away from pointing out the irony in Haley's critique. "Now calling Trump unhinged is both correct and a little rich coming from Nikki Haley, who worked under Trump as his UN ambassador in 2017 and 2018, a time no one recalls as the hinged years," Meyers remarked. 


Meyers takes a dig at Haley as UN ambassador

Meyers cheekily noted that books about that period have titles like 'Peril' and 'Rage', not exactly portraying an administration at the height of stability.

The late-night host emphasized the absurdity of Haley's characterization, suggesting that the term "unhinged" is practically synonymous with Trump. Meyers revealed a humorous side, noting that even his keyboard's autocorrect fills in "unhinged" at the mere suggestion of typing the letter "U".

"In typical Trump fashion, he has reacted to the accusation that he is unhinged by acting, well, unhinged," said Meyers.

 He highlighted Trump's reaction, including a comparison of himself to a racehorse – a move that only added fuel to the fire.

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