'Should have fired you': Internet divided as Anthony Fauci claims in memoir Trump said he 'loved' him after screaming at him

'Should have fired you': Internet divided as Anthony Fauci claims in memoir Trump said he 'loved' him after screaming at him
Dr Anthony Fauci worked with Donald Trump to combat the Covid pandemic (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Dr Anthony Fauci has made some startling revelations about Donald Trump in his memoir, 'On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service', scheduled to be published on Tuesday, June 18. 

The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) wrote about instances when the Republican leader would "announce he loved me and then screamed at me on the phone," as reported by The Daily Beast. He added, "Let’s just say, I found this to be out of the ordinary."

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 22: Dr. Anthony Fauci (R), director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Dr Anthony Fauci recalled being screamed at by Donald Trump in his upcoming memoir (Getty Images)

Anthony Fauci says getting yelled at by former President Donald Trump wasn't fun

Elaborating on his assertion, Fauci, wrote, "On the evening of June 3 [2020], my cell phone rang and the caller—the president—started screaming at me."

Trump was reportedly frustrated with him because he told a journalist, at the time, that a Covid-19 vaccine, which was yet to be found, would likely provide immunity for "six months to a year." The immunologist's statement was later "wrongly reported on Twitter and in some media outlets as the Covid vaccine protecting people only for a very short time."

Fauci further mentioned, "It was quite a phone call. The president was irate, saying that I could not keep doing this to him. He said he loved me, but the country was in trouble, and I was making it worse."

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 15: U.S. President Donald Trump is flanked by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of th
Donald Trump was upset at Anthony Fauci when he told reporters that the Covid-19 vaccination would likely need booster shots (Getty Images)

"He [Trump] added that the stock market went up only six hundred points in response to the positive phase 1 vaccine news and it should have gone up a thousand points and so I cost the country ‘one trillion f*****g dollars,'" noted Fauci, adding, "I have a pretty thick skin but getting yelled at by the president of the United States, no matter how much he tells you that he loves you, is not fun." 

He, however, added in his memoir that Trump, via an intermediary, later apologized to him for his angry words.

Anthony Fauci says Donald Trump was certain he would win the 2020 election by a landslide

In his memoir, Fauci notes how Trump talked about being sure about his victory in the 2020 election during their last phone call on November 1, 2020, two days before Election Day. 

"I am going to win this election by a f*****g landslide. Just wait and see. I always did things my way. And I always win, no matter what all these other f*****g people think. And that f****r Biden. He is so f*****g stupid. I am going to kick his f*****g a** in this election," recalled Fauci of the conversation. 

The 83-year-old immunologist served in NIAID for 38 years before retiring in 2022. He was also the chief medical advisor to the president from 2021 to 2022. 

'On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service' is about his "six-decade career in high-level public service put him in the room with seven presidents." 

Internet reacts as Anthony Fauci recalls his conversations with Donald Trump

A Facebook user wrote, "Trump has to be one of the cruelest on this planet," and another said, "Well, we all know that Donald Trump lies and spreads fake news projects his problems onto others I believe Anthony."

A person claimed, "Fauci admitted that the mask mandates and the social distancing rules were not based on science, but the DB keep defending that crook because their shareholders made billions with the fake vaccine."

Someone else remarked, "MAGAts hate Fauci because he's too damn honest and says truthful things that make Trump the Infallible look bad," and one more added, "The malignant narcissist only loves himself and uses others for his gain !!! The GOP cult on their knees !!!"

"I wouldn't believe Fauci also known as ‘flip flop deny’. Seriously, the highest paid public servant in the entire government had his hand out and received millions," read another comment.  

A netizen simply wrote, "Good for him," and an individual remarked, "Perfectly justified, he should have said you’re fired you evil little troll."

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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