'Sickening': Internet agrees as Jesse Watters slams Joe Biden for signing $1.2 trillion government funding bill

'Sickening': Internet agrees as Jesse Watters slams Joe Biden for signing $1.2 trillion government funding bill
Fox News host Jesse Watters ignited a storm of criticism by sharply rebuking President Biden for signing the $1.2 trillion government funding bill (jessewatters, potus/Instagram)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Jesse Watters sharply criticized President Joe Biden for signing the $1.2 trillion government funding bill, sparking a wave of backlash across the Internet.

On Saturday, the White House confirmed Biden's approval of the legislation, which allocates funds for government operations through September.

Jesse Watters unleashes criticism

During his segment on Fox News, Watters singled out several allocations from the massive spending package, highlighting what he deemed as excessive and wasteful spending.

He lambasted specific expenditures, such as Senator Chuck Schumer's allocation of $1.5 million to encourage children to play video games, labeling it as a misplaced priority.

Similarly, he criticized Senator Tammy Baldwin's allocation of $2 million for migrants' mental health services, suggesting that it would do little to address underlying issues and instead lead to further assimilation concerns.

Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Joe Biden thanked key figures in Congress for helping pass the bill (Getty Images)

Watters exclaimed, "Chuck Schumer spending 1.5 million dollars to encourage kids to play video games. Not to stop kids from playing video games. To help them continue to play video games."

He continued, "Democrat Senator Tammy Baldwin spending 2 million dollars so migrants can see psychiatrists and take antidepressants. That'll assimilate them quickly. Just give them Netflix and they'll just be like us."

Jesse Watters calls out both parties for governance failures

Watters' commentary didn't stop at dissecting the bill itself. He delved into the political ramifications, pointing fingers at both Democrats and Republicans for what he saw as a failure of governance.

"1.2 trillion dollar financial war crimes passing while Republicans control the power of the purse," he remarked, highlighting the contentious dynamics within Congress and the consequences for party leadership.


The fallout from Watters' segment reverberated across the political landscape, sparking debates and discussions about government spending, fiscal responsibility, and the role of elected officials.

Supporters applauded his willingness to speak out against perceived excesses, while detractors accused him of cherry-picking examples to fit a partisan narrative.

Reactions to funding bill on social media

Social media erupted with a flurry of reactions following the passage of the $1.2 trillion government funding bill.

One user wrote, "Sickening."


Another added, "They're plundering our nation. The last official act of treason before they collapse it."


One user commented, "Republican House passed a $1.2 Trillion spending Bill."


Someone else said, "Nothing we can do. Our Republican leaders have failed once again."


One replied, "This is so disgusting and disturbing that our tax dollars is being used in this manner."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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