Trump says he wears his criminal indictments as a 'great badge of honor', Internet says 'what a con man'

Trump says he wears his criminal indictments as a 'great badge of honor', Internet says 'what a con man'
Donald Trump is owning his indictments (Getty Images, Fulton County Sheriff's Office)

PALM BEACH. FLORIDA: Donald Trump has made history as the first former US president to be criminally indicted and found guilty of a crime.

Rather than shying away from this unprecedented situation, Trump has embraced it - declaring his pride in the face of legal adversity.

Trump calls criminal indictments a 'great badge of honor'

On June 25, Trump took to Truth Social, a conservative social media platform, to voice his defiance. "Every time the Radical Left Democrats, Marxists, Communists, and Fascists indict me, I consider it a GREAT BADGE OF HONOR," he proclaimed.

CHARLOTTE, NC - MARCH 2: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to supporters during a rally on March 2,
Donald Trump speaks to supporters during a rally on March 2, 2020, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Trump was campaigning ahead of Super Tuesday. (Photo by Brian Blanco/Getty Images) 

Trump went further, alleging that his indictments are not just personal attacks but assaults on the freedoms of all Americans.

"I’m being indicted for YOU. Never forget — our enemies want to take away MY freedom because I will never let them take away YOUR freedom!" he insisted.

He framed his legal woes as a sacrifice he was making for the greater good, suggesting that the attempts to silence him were actually attempts to silence his supporters.

"They want to silence ME because I will never let them silence YOU," he added.

Continuing his criticism of the Democratic Party, Trump asserted that the true target of these legal actions is not himself but the American people. "In the end, they’re not after me, they’re after you — and I’m just standing in their way!" he declared.

Trump concluded his message with a hopeful promise, looking forward to a future where he retakes the presidency.

"From the very first day that we take back the White House from Crooked Joe Biden, I believe we are going to have the four greatest years in the history of our Country!" he wrote.


Trump's fiery declarations came just days before he is set to face President Biden in their first debate of the 2024 election cycle.

In the lead-up to this highly anticipated event, Trump has not held back his criticisms of Biden, repeatedly suggesting that the 81-year-old president has been amped up on drugs, OK! Magazine reported.

On June 22, Trump claimed that Biden would come to the debate "all jacked up" and sarcastically inquired, "Whatever happened to all that cocaine that was missing a month ago from the White House?"

The accusation refers to an incident from the summer of 2023 when a small bag of cocaine was found in the White House. Despite an investigation, the responsible party was never identified.

A source suggested that the leading theory was that "the substance belonged to one of hundreds of visitors who traveled through the building over the weekend."

Trump has been known to exaggerate the details of this incident. At a rally in Wisconsin earlier this month, he claimed that "hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine" was found in the White House.

He jokingly insinuated that President Biden was responsible, saying, "I wonder who that could have been. I don’t know, actually. I think it was Joe!"


Trump trolled on social media for his comments

The former president's claims and his proud stance on his indictments have sparked a wave of reactions on social media, with many critics mocking his "badge of honor" rhetoric.

"What a con man. He committed all those crimes for all of you. How sweet," one posted on X.

"Coming soon… 'Trump Limited Edition Great Badges of Honour'! Badges like you’ve never seen before. Only $99," another quipped.

"LOL YOU ARE BEING INDICTED FOR YOU, NOT ME. I DIDN’T COMMIT ANY CRIMES. This really reeks of desperation and self-pity. Yes, we want you to go away YOU’VE DAMAGED THIS COUNTRY ENOUGH," someone else chimed in.

"You aren't being indicted for ME because I haven't committed one felony let alone 88. None of the mentioned indicted you. Several grand juries and juries saw evidence to indict. You know that so stop the lying and drama," read a comment.

"TYPICAL TRUMP BULLS---. He tries to spin, and manipulate people into thinking his shortcomings and corruption is a self-sacrifice for others. SO LONG... 'DON THE CON,'" another added.










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