'Try to win on merit not lies': Internet slams Joe Scarborough as he blames Trump for migrant crisis

'Try to win on merit not lies': Internet slams MSNBC host Joe Scarborough as he blames Donald Trump for migrant crisis
Joe Scarborough pointed fingers at Donald Trump, accusing the former president of intentionally perpetuating the migrant crisis at the southern border (Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In a recent tirade on his show, 'Morning Joe', Joe Scarborough pointed fingers at Donald Trump, accusing the former president of intentionally perpetuating the migrant crisis at the southern border.

The MSNBC host went on to express his frustration, attributing the chaos to Trump's alleged desire for political gain and highlighting the adverse impact on border communities.

Joe Scarborough accuses Donald Trump of sabotaging southern border solutions

During his impassioned monologue, Scarborough accused Trump of willfully sabotaging potential solutions to the southern border crisis. He claimed, "We had a solution for the southern border. You said no. We want the fentanyl... Donald Trump says keep the fentanyl flooding in for another year. Keep the illegal immigrants flooding in for another year."

Scarborough further asserted that Trump's administration rejected a proposed plan, choosing instead to prolong the chaos for another year, a decision that Scarborough argues has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis. He added, "Keep the humanitarian crisis growing for another year and making the lives of people who live on the border hell, a living hell."

The MSNBC host also criticized the former president for allegedly encouraging the influx of illegal immigrants and fostering an environment where drug-related issues, such as the flow of fentanyl, could persist. He exclaimed, "There's nothing patriotic about that. That's sick."


Joe Scarborough accuses MAGA Republicans of unpatriotic actions

Notably, Scarborough took aim at certain House Republicans, "I served in Congress long enough to be able to say this— This group of extreme house MAGA Republicans are the most un-patriotic I have seen in a long, long time."

He asserted, "They begged Republicans to pass this bill. Republicans, what do they tell them? Drop dead. Because they want chaos on the southern border."

Social media backlash

The online community swiftly responded to Scarborough's accusations, with many users expressing outrage over what they perceived as a politically charged and one-sided narrative.

One user wrote, "And your ratings are down because of this kind of garbage you spew. Just stop. Try to win on merit not lies."


Another added, "Remember msnbc's jealous Joe Scarborough was FORCED TO RESIGN IN SHAME FROM CONGRESS."


Another social media comment read, "Obviously, the gentleman would not have been able to arrive at this conclusion had he not distinguished himself as having served in Congress."


One commented, "Both sides of the line have their extremist. The vocal minorities are the ones that draw all the attention and make both sides look bad."


Another user replied, "Just the opposite of what you said is true."



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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