White House press secretary says president Joe Biden might still commute his son Hunter Biden's sentence

'Never a doubt': White House press secretary says president Joe Biden might still commute his son Hunter Biden's sentence
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre didn't rule out commuting Hunter Biden's sentence (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre did not rule out the possibility of President Joe Biden commuting his son Hunter Biden's sentence.

This came after Hunter Biden was found guilty in a criminal trial regarding his purchase of a handgun in 2018.

Jean-Pierre stated she has not discussed the matter with President Biden since the verdict and mentioned that sentencing has yet to be scheduled.

'He loves his son': Karine Jean-Pierre says about Joe Biden-Hunter Biden relationship 

He faces a maximum of 25 years in prison for the charges he was convicted of. However, in most of these cases, a small sentence is given. 

"He's been very clear. We've been very clear. You know, he loves his son. And he and the first lady love their son and they support their son. I just don't have anything, certainly anything beyond that," Jean-Pierre said.

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - JUNE 01: Karine Jean-Pierre speaks onstage at the MoveOn Big Ideas Forum
 Karine Jean-Pierre says Joe Biden loves his son Hunter Biden (Getty Images)

She also referenced an interview Biden gave to ABC News last week where he addressed the trial and said he would accept the outcome but will not pardon his son. 

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's response about commuting Hunter Biden's sentence 

When asked if commuting Hunter Biden's sentence was a possibility, Jean-Pierre reiterated President Biden's previous comments about accepting the trial's outcome but did not directly rule out a commutation, Fox News reported. 

"What I'm saying is he was asked about a pardon. He was asked about the trial specifically, and he answered it very clearly, very forthright," she said.

(Getty Images)
Karine Jean-Pierre' said Joe Biden answered all question about Hunter Biden very clearly (Getty Images)

"I don't have anything beyond what the president said. He's been very clear about this," Jean-Pierre said. 

President Joe Biden's support for his son Hunter Biden

In his statement following the verdict, Hunter Biden expressed gratitude for the support he received from his family and friends.

"I am more grateful today for the love and support I experienced this last week from Melissa, my family, my friends, and my community than I am disappointed by the outcome. Recovery is possible by the grace of God, and I am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time."

(Getty Images)
In his statement following the verdict, Hunter Biden expressed gratitude for the support he received from his family and friends. (Getty Images)

President Biden also expressed his support for his son, stating, "Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that."

Internet reactions about the possibility of Joe Biden commuting Hunter Biden's sentence 

X users commented how they feel about the possibility of Joe Biden commuting his son Hunter Biden's sentence.  

"Never a doubt," wrote one on X user suggesting Hunter Biden will get commutation. 

One said if he was in President Biden's situation, "I would pardon my son in a heartbeat."

"Commuting a sentence is NOT a pardon.. just a lesser sentence. The conviction stands," clarified one.

One suggested it was the least possibility by saying, "He won't. He's not Trump. He believes in the rule of law."

"They should, if his name wasn't Biden he would have never been charged. I know plenty of drug addicts in FL own firearms," wrote one more. 






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