'Why go through with it': Fox News host John Roberts warns Nikki Haley she may ‘lose badly’ in home state South Carolina

'Why go through with it': Fox News host John Roberts warns Nikki Haley she may ‘lose badly’ in home state South Carolina
John Roberts confronted GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley about her trailing poll numbers in South Carolina (Fox News)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA:  In a recent interview on Fox News, anchor John Roberts confronted GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley about her lagging poll numbers in South Carolina, bluntly asking, "Why go through with it?" The exchange ended on a tense note, with Roberts noting that a new CBS poll showed Donald Trump holding a significant lead of 35 points over Haley in the state. 

John Roberts grills Nikki Haley over poor polling in South Carolina

Roberts questioned Haley about the prospect of a significant loss in her home state, saying, "It looks like you're going to go into that contest and lose badly in your home state, which would forever be a cloud over your political career. Why go through with it?"

Haley responded defiantly, referencing her performance in New Hampshire and expressing confidence that her campaign could close the gap. She stated, "Our polls do not show that that is not what we’re saying, and we’re going to close that gap."

Nikki Haley defends presidential bid amid poll concerns

However, the conversation took a deeper turn as Haley emphasized her commitment to a broader cause beyond personal ambition. She asserted, "I’m worried about the future of America. I’m worried about my kids and what country they grow up in. I’m worried about your kids and what country they grow up in."

Haley continued to emphasize the urgency of participating in the primary process, arguing that it was crucial for effecting change and preventing a scenario where Donald Trump, in her view, would be unable to secure a general election victory.

She criticized Trump's focus on personal matters, stating, "Donald Trump’s worried about his image. Joe Biden’s worried about his image. I’m not worried about mine." Haley urged voters to consider the broader consequences of not actively participating in the primary, warning that Trump's legal battles could impede the Republican Party's chances in a general election.

Haley also took a swipe at Trump's financial dealings, claiming, "The reason Donald Trump wants me to get out so badly is because he wants help paying his court fees. That is not the job of the RNC. That’s not the job of taxpayers."

Public divided on Nikki Haley's presidential Bid

As Nikki Haley faces skepticism about her presidential campaign, public reactions vary. Some express support, viewing her as a figure willing to stand against Trump, while others accuse her of being part of an alleged election steal.

One user wrote, "Like Liz Cheney, Haley is in total denial about reality."


Another added, "Doesn't matter if she loses, she stood up to Trump and that means she we will be spared from THE GREAT REPLACEMENT."


One wrote, "Because she says Trump can not win the General Election.....shes in on the steal."


Another commented, "She will continue though. Dems will give her money and try to keep gop all uniting behind trump. Dems running scared. Grab the popcorn."


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