Outrage as Biden campaign labels Donald Trump ‘convicted criminal’ to highlight drop in FBI crime stats

'No one is buying': Donald Trump's supporters furious as Biden campaign calls him ‘convicted criminal’ to highlight drop in FBI crime stats
Donald Trump has been labelled as a 'convicted criminal' by Joe Biden's campaign (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign labeled former President Donald Trump a 'convicted criminal' while highlighting recent FBI figures showing a significant drop in violent crimes.

The figures released on Monday, June 10, indicate that violent crimes dropped considerably in the early months of 2024 as compared to the same period last year.

A 15 percent overall decrease in crimes was recorded, including a 13 percent drop in aggravated assault and a 26 percent drop in murder and rape. 

Joe Biden's campaign labels Donald Trump as a 'convicted criminal'

The Biden campaign touted these figures as a major success for the administration, especially as the GOP focuses on crime, ahead of the November elections.

The campaign did not miss the opportunity to contrast Biden’s achievements with Trump’s record.


"Donald Trump is a convicted criminal who enabled the largest spike in violent crime in more than a century,” said Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa, The Hill reports.

“President Biden has worked hard to clean up his mess, and it’s working: Crime has fallen drastically in the first quarter of 2024 across all major indicators," added the spokesperson.

(Getty Images)
The Biden campaign touted these figures as a major success for the administration, especially as the GOP focuses on crime ahead of the November elections. (Getty Images)

Joe Biden's campaign suggests the US can't afford another four years of Donald Trump administration

The campaign further stressed that America can't afford another Trump term to increase or reverse the crime graph by "pardoning violent rioters."

"Americans can’t afford another four years of Trump trying to defund law enforcement agencies while he makes good on his promise to pardon violent rioters," the spokesperson said.

Joe Biden's campaign further stressed that America can't afford another Donald Trump term to increase or reverse the crime graph by 'pardoning violent rioters' (@euanapolli/Instagram)

"This November, Americans will vote on the side of law and order — not for a felon who looks out for his fellow crooks," the Biden campaign concluded. 

Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in hush money trial

The Biden campaign has consistently referred to Trump as a convicted felon since a jury in the hush money trial in New York found him guilty on all counts of falsifying business records to conceal alleged affairs during his 2016 campaign.

President Biden himself used the term at a fundraiser in Connecticut for the first time on June 3.

(Getty Images)
President Biden himself used the term at a fundraiser in Connecticut, for the first time on June 3 (Getty Images)

"Folks, the campaign entered uncharted territory last week. For the first time in American history, a former president that is a convicted felon is now seeking the office of the presidency," Biden said.

"But as disturbing as that is, more damaging is the all-out assault Donald Trump is making on the American system of justice," he added.

The campaign has sent out emails and fundraising requests with the same label.

SALEM, NH - JANUARY 28: Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at the New Hampshire Republican St
Joe Biden's campaign has sent out emails and fundraising requests with the same label attacking Donald Trump (Getty Images)

Internet reacts to Joe Biden's campaign calling Donald Trump a 'convicted criminal'

Trump supporters have expressed outrage over Biden administration calling the former president a "convicted criminal' with one suggesting "Please continue this. It’s backfiring and the tone deaf fascist democrats can’t stop burying themselves." One more said it was "Biden's FBI."

Another stated, "Using that term reminds most of us how corrupt the NY justice system is and how a DOJ employee was sent by Garland to aid Bragg’s criminal activity. Not to mention looney Engoron. Biden regime is the most corrupt in history."

Another user voiced a preference for Trump over Biden despite the conviction. "I rather vote for the ‘convicted criminal’ than the guy who used lawfare on his opponent just so he could call him a convicted criminal," a user expressed.

However, a few users voiced their support for Joe Biden's administration. One user commented, "Well, Biden’s comments are based on objective truth. That works for me." In contrast, a critic countered, "No one is buying Biden’s lawfare prosecutions."






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