'Dumb as a box of rocks': Internet slams Trump as he says Civil War could have been 'negotiated'

'Dumb as a box of rocks': Internet slams Trump as he says Civil War could have been 'negotiated'
Donald Trump claimed that Civil War could have been negotiated, arguing that Abraham Lincoln should have done more

NEWTON, IOWA: Former President Donald Trump found himself in hot water as he claimed that the Civil War could have been negotiated, arguing that Abraham Lincoln should have done more to avoid bloodshed.

The 77-year-old GOP frontrunner was addressing supporters at a campaign event in Newton, Iowa on Saturday, January 06 when he said the fight to end slavery in the US was ultimately unnecessary.

“So many mistakes were made. See, there was something I think could have been negotiated, to be honest with you,” the real estate mogul said of the 1861-1865 conflict between the Union and the Confederacy, according to the Independent.


“I think you could have negotiated that. All the people died. So many people died,” he added. Trump described the conflict as "so horrible but so fascinating," but he did not elaborate on how he would have stopped it.

“It was, I don’t know, it was just different,” he said, adding “I just find it – I’m so attracted to seeing it.” Trump declared, "There's nothing nice about it," adding that the war was a "tough one for our country" after detailing the injuries soldiers had in the war.

He also suggested that Lincoln would not have the same historical cachet “if he negotiated it.” Former Republican Representative Liz Cheney criticized Trump's comments on social media, questioning how Republicans who have endorsed the former president could "possibly defend this?


“Which part of the Civil War ‘could have been negotiated’? The slavery part? The secession part? Whether Lincoln should have preserved the Union?” Cheney wrote on X (formerly Twitter), adding “Question for members of the GOP – the party of Lincoln – who have endorsed Donald Trump: How can you possibly defend this?”

Nikki Haley’s comments over civil over

During the GOP primary route, the Civil War has become an odd topic of conversation. More than a week before Trump's remarks, Nikki Haley sparked an outcry with her response to a question regarding the origins of the Civil War without bringing up slavery, which was the main cause of the conflict.

"I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how the government was going to run," the former South Carolina governor said, adding, "I think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are.”

“And I will always stand by the fact that I think the government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never meant to be all things to all people. Government doesn't need to tell you how to live your life. They don't need to tell you what you can and can't do. They don't need to be a part of your life. They need to make sure that you have freedom,” she continued.

She has since backtracked, repeatedly saying she thought the fact went without saying. However, Trump’s remarks were not made in response or reference to Haley’s.

Internet reacts to Trump’s remarks

Trump’s remarks at the campaign event have garnered immense social media attention, with many users slamming him for claiming that the Civil War could have been 'negotiated'.

“Dumb as a box of rocks,” one user trolled. “He had no idea why there was a civil war, did he? Or that it WAS negotiated... the Missouri Compromise,” a second user attacked.

“The negotiators wouldn't have needed to fly back and forth. They could have used Zoom,” the third user joked while the fourth one said “We tried really hard to negotiate Covid. It turned out it wasn’t really so easy. Fascinating, but horrible I mean really horrible.”

“Trump makes Chamberlin look like a genius negotiator,” the fifth user mocked. “You think Trump at that time wouldn't have told them they could keep their slaves if they gave him a couple of them? Classic Trump quid pro quo,” one more said.







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