'Flip-flopper in Chief': Internet roasts Biden as he pleads for Americans to watch women's sports amid push to include trans athletes

'Flip-flopper in Chief': Internet roasts Biden as he pleads for Americans to watch women's sports amid push to include trans athletes
Joe Biden's X post urged Americans to attend women's sporting events and advocated for increased sponsorships and programming (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden found himself at the center of a social media firestorm after his call to "support women's sports" on Friday, May 10, was met with a wave of backlash and accusations of hypocrisy, per Breitbart.

The POTUS' X post, which urged Americans to attend women's sporting events and advocated for increased sponsorships and programming, seemed to contradict his administration's ongoing efforts to allow transgender athletes to compete in women's competitions.


Joe Biden promotes women's sports while pushing for allowing transgender athletes to compete

The contentious post on Biden's official X account read, "As a nation, we need to support women's sports by showing up in person and watching on TV – with more sponsorships and programming. Not just during championships. But all year round. Let's grow women's sports and continue inspiring the nation."

However, this plea for support came amid ongoing debates over transgender inclusion in women's sports, with Biden's administration actively pushing for transgender athletes to compete according to their gender identity.

The House Education and the Workforce Committee Republicans were among the first to challenge the Biden administration's efforts to push for transgender inclusion in women's sports. They referenced a recent Education Department ruling that extended Title IX protections to include gender identity.

Mixed gender soccer team makes a goal attempt
Joe Biden's plea for support came amidst ongoing debates over transgender inclusion in women's sports. (Getty Images)

"Three weeks ago, the Biden admin finalized a radical rewrite of #TitleIX that would ERASE women’s sports by allowing biological males to compete in female sports. The guy doing the most to harm women’s sports should sit this one out," the committee wrote on X.

Riley Gaines, an All-American swimmer and conservative activist, echoed similar sentiments. "Biden and his admin are virtue-signaling sellouts pandering to get votes and it's obvious to anyone with any amount of brain activity," Gaines penned on X, adding that "the easiest way to support women's sports is to keep men out of them."

The Independent Council on Women's Sports also recently joined the wave of criticism, accusing Biden of "audacity after you just mandated girls [that] surrender their sports opportunities to boys."

Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Joe Biden promotes women's sports while pushing for allowing transgender athletes to compete. (Getty Images)

Internet wastes no time in slamming Joe Biden for his contradictory stance

The internet was quick to react to Biden's contradictory stance, with users unleashing a torrent of scathing remarks. One user on Facebook commented, "Flip-flopper in Chief!" Another user remarked, "And once again he can't decide which side he's gonna be on. Pandering much."

A user criticized Biden, stating, "Double standard, just after votes. The man is not and never will be honest!" Meanwhile, one user added, "Always with the hypocrisy." Another user wrote, "Dude is an incompetent moron."

Another user chimed in, accusing him of "just more Two-Faced BS from anything for a Vote Joe." A user mentioned, "Joe caters to whatever audience he is speaking to and can't take a stand on any issue."

Finally, one user expressed frustration, saying, "Hypocrite Biden at it again! Has no idea what he's saying or doing! Totally clueless! And you want to vote for that? WAKE UP PEOPLE!"

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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