Gov Chris Sununu warns Joe Biden of losing supporters by forgiving student loan debt, Internet agrees 'it is unsustainable'

Gov Chris Sununu warns Joe Biden of losing supporters by forgiving student loan debt, Internet agrees 'it is unsustainable'
Chris Sununu claimed Joe Biden's student debt forgiveness will cost him voters (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: New Hampshire Republican Gov Chris Sununu claimed President Joe Biden was losing support among his voters as a result of his efforts to cancel student loan debt, during his interview with the Daily Mail on Thursday, May 23.

The Biden administration announced the cancellation of an additional $7.7 billion of student loans for 160,500 borrowers on Wednesday, May 22. According to CBS News, the move brought the total student debt amount forgiven by the administration to $167 billion, affecting 4.75 million people.

Joe Biden (Getty Images)
President Joe Biden announced a new round of student debt relief on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (Getty Images)

Chris Sununu's take on Joe Biden's debt removal

Sununu told the Daily Mail that the debt which the Biden administration was forgiving was not actually being wiped out. "We've just transferred it to somebody else. Somebody still carries that debt...and it's still to be paid by all of America," he said.

"The political benefit that Biden thinks he's getting out of this is just the opposite. It's hurting him politically," he said, citing the lagging poll numbers of the incumbent against former President Donald Trump as proof of his claims.

The "average American completely understands what's going on," argued the governor, stating that it was "inherently unfair" that their tax dollars went to support somebody else's kid.

"It's the antithesis of everything we're about here in America, which is working hard, being fair, you know, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and moving forward. They (voters) are really ticked off at what Biden is doing, and they're moving over to Trump. There's no question about that," he added.

Sununu also took a swipe at the progressive members of the federal government, saying the President's "26 year old progressive socialist" advisors, who are "very passionate politically" but "don't have a brain in their head about what's actually happening on the ground in America with inflation," are the ones to truly blame.

"This just aspect of inherent unfairness, without a doubt will cost Biden a lot more votes," he added.


Internet joins Chris Sununu in slamming Biden administration

Commenting on the news, a person wrote on the Daily Mail website, "Student loan forgiveness is an obvious ploy to buy votes. Why, because it is unsustainable. Biden will continue this questionable action until the election. Why questionable, because the Supreme Court stated this expenditure can only be done by Congress."

"Every dollar of that debt forgiveness is borrowed money that adds to the national debt and has to be paid back with interest," claimed another.

"He’s right, the federal government borrows money from bondholders and lends that money to students. When the government forgives the debt, taxpayers are left to repay the bondholders," stated a third.

"I don't think the working class will be happy about paying of the debt for doctors and lawyers when affordable food is hard to find," noted a fourth reader.

"It is not canceling is passing it to everyone that has either paid theirs off or to those that couldn't financially afford to go to college," mentioned a fifth.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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