'He wanted fame so bad': Donald Trump trolled for bullying 'Home Alone 2' director for movie cameo

'He wanted fame so bad': Donald Trump trolled for bullying 'Home Alone 2' director for movie cameo
'Home Alone 2' director Chris Columbus reveals secret about Donald Trump's cameo (@chriscolumbus, @realdonaldtrump/Instagram)

WASHINGTON, DC: Donald Trump is back in the headlines, with 'Home Alone 2' director Chris Columbus revealing that the former US president essentially 'bullied' his way into a cameo in the movie.

Trump surprised his followers recently when he shifted his stance on current US Vice President Kamala Harris, declaring that she was 'better' than the current US president, Joe Biden.

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In recent news, Trump has also been seeking input from his allies and advisors regarding the potential candidacy of Nikki Haley as Vice President.

Adding to the developments, Trump faced another controversy recently after the Colorado Supreme Court disqualified him from the presidential ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

'Home Alone 2' director Chris Columbus reveals Donald Trump 'bullied' them to have a cameo

In a recent tweet, @PopBase on platform X(formerly Twitter) revealed that 'Home Alone 2' director Columbus confirmed Donald Trump secured his movie cameo through assertive tactics.

They reported, "‘Home Alone 2’ director reveals Donald Trump “bullied” his way into the movie: “We approached The Plaza Hotel, which Trump owned because we wanted to shoot in the lobby. Trump said OK. We paid the fee, but he also said, ‘The only way you can use it is if I’m in the movie.’”


According to Deadline, Columbus explained they approached Trump's Plaza Hotel for a scene in the lobby, as it couldn't be replicated on a soundstage. Trump agreed but insisted on being in the movie, leading to cheers during the first screening. Despite being a result of Trump's assertiveness, the director decided to keep the cameo in 'Home Alone 2: Lost in New York,' released in 1992, two years after the original.

Donald Trump (Getty Images)
Donald Trump gets accused of 'bullying' 'Home Alone 2' director to get movie cameo (Getty Images)

Internet users accuse Donald Trump of wanting 'fame'

A user reacted to the revelation and wrote, "He wanted that screentime and fame so bad"


Another user shared a GIF and wrote, "Trump saw home alone and was like yep I’m gonna star in the sequel"


A user commented, "If that was part of the deal to begin with, then that’s fine but all of a sudden throwing a catch in there after they already paid the fee is evil. Then again, it’s Trump we’re talking about…"


Another user commented, "Is that unreasonable, though? I mean, it's basically his home, and they could have also said no and used a different place


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