Internet slams Sean Hannity after he accuses media of creating 'hysteria' over Trump's bloodbath claim

Internet asks Sean Hannity to look in the mirror after he accuses media of creating 'hysteria' over Trump's bloodbath claim
Sean Hannity spoke in support of Donald Trump claiming his words are always taken out of context (Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In the ever-escalating battleground of political rhetoric, Fox News host Sean Hannity has launched a scathing attack on what he terms the "left-wing media," following their response to former President Donald Trump'srecent "bloodbath" analogy.

Hannity's comments have ignited a fierce debate online, further underscoring the deep ideological divisions that continue to characterize American politics.

Sean Hannity defends Trump's 'bloodbath' analogy, accuses media of distortion

At the heart of the controversy is Trump's analogy, made during a campaign rally, where he warned of dire economic consequences for the auto industry if President Biden were elected, dubbing it a potential "bloodbath."

While Trump's remarks were intended as a vivid illustration of his concerns, they have been seized upon by critics as incendiary and inflammatory.

Hannity wasted no time in defending Trump and lambasting the media's portrayal of his remarks. In a characteristic diatribe on his Fox News show, Hannity accused mainstream outlets of distorting Trump's words and engaging in a campaign of "full-blown lying, dishonesty, hysteria."



“I mean, you gotta laugh. Just, you know, full-blown lying, dishonesty, hysteria from NBC, CBS, fake news CNN, ‘MSDNC,’ The New York Times, pretty much everyone in the Democratic Party, every single 'mainstream media outlet.' They're just flat out lying to your face," Hannity exclaimed.

"They take the words of Donald Trump completely out of context. They pretend that we are facing an existential crisis, and this is what they do every day," he continued, further fueling the narrative of a biased media landscape.

Sean Hannity accuses Biden and democrats of deception

Hannity's remarks underscore the ongoing battle over narrative control in American politics, with conservatives accusing mainstream media outlets of bias and selective reporting.

The narrative of media bias has long been a central theme in conservative discourse, with pundits and politicians alike frequently decrying what they perceive as a liberal slant in the news.

But Hannity didn't stop there. He went on to accuse President Biden and his supporters of various falsehoods, ranging from comparisons to the KKK to lies about the economy and abortion. Hannity's tirade reflects the broader strategy of conservative media to paint President Biden and the Democratic Party as dishonest and untrustworthy.

"Joe Biden is fomenting panic, hysteria, he's promoting a fake existential crisis. He's trying to prop up his shrinking base in the mob and the media. They just are an extension of the Biden campaign," Hannity added, emphasizing his belief that the media is complicit in promoting the Democratic agenda.

However, not everyone agrees with Hannity's assessment.

Social media reacts: users offer varied responses to Hannity's remarks

Social media users offered a range of reactions to Hannity's remarks, showcasing the diverse perspectives surrounding the ongoing discourse.

One user wrote, "There's this thing called a "mirror".



Another added,"Interesting."



One user replied, "Wasn't it fox that got sued."



Another commented, "Pot meet Kettle."



One user wrote, "He just realized this? He's pretty seasoned.."



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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