Internet feels Joe Biden 'shouldn't be allowed to speak' as White House makes 9 corrections to his speech to NAACP

Internet feels Joe Biden 'shouldn't be allowed to speak' as White House makes 9 corrections to his speech to NAACP
Joe Biden made multiple blunders and fumbled words while speaking to the civil rights organization (, Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: The White House transcript made an astounding nine corrections to President Joe Biden's gaffe-riddled speech to the NAACP on Monday, May 20. Biden made multiple blunders and fumbled words while speaking to the civil rights organization in Michigan.

One of them included his suggestion he was vice-president during the Covid-19 pandemicwhich began nearly four years after he left office. "When I was vice-president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic," Biden said near the beginning of his remarks, as per Fox News. "And, what happened was Barack [Obama] said to me: ‘Go to Detroit – help fix it,’" he added.


Joe Biden reportedly intended to say 'recession'

The following day, the White House’s correction implied that Biden intended to say "recession," referencing to the Great Recession when he assumed the vice presidency in 2009.

"And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic [recession], and what happened was Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit and help fix it.’ Well, poor mayor, he spent more time with me than he ever thought he was going to have to," the transcript reads.

LOS ANGELES, CA - MARCH 03: Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, his w
The White House transcript made an astounding nine corrections to President Joe Biden's gaffe-riddled speech to the NAACP on Monday, May 20 (Getty Images)

What were the other corrections in Joe Biden's speech?

Biden went after his political opponent Donald Trump later in the speech as he slammed the ex-president for the attack on the Capitol on January 6 and called Trump unhinged. "He calls the irrectionists who stormed Capitol Hill 'patriots'" Biden declared, as per Daily Mail. "He says if elected, he wants, quote, 'every' one of them pardoned," he added.

In the transcript, the White House crossed out "irrectionists" and inserted "insurrectionists." Soon after that moment, Biden accused Trump of saying if he loses again in November there would be "bloodshed" which was also crossed out and corrected to "bloodbath." Other smaller errors the White House fixed included when Biden said he was "humbled to receive this organization." 

The correct word added in was "award." They also crossed out "inspiresing" and added "inspiring," changed $8,000 to $800, "who" to "to" and corrected Biden calling the NAACP the "NAAC."

Presidential candidates Joe Biden & Donald Trump agreed to meet each other for debates (Getty Images)
Joe Biden went after his political opponent Donald Trump later in the speech as he slammed the ex president for the attack on the Capitol on January 6 (Getty Images)

What did the Acting Deputy Press Secretary say?

According to the outlet, Acting Deputy Press Secretary Sam Michel said, "We’re focused on the substance of the transcript and the heart of President Biden’s speech: how he is fighting for Americans by lowering the cost of prescription drugs, making transformational investments in HBCUs, and protecting Medicare and Social Security."

(LinkedIn/Sam Michel)
'We’re focused on the substance of the transcript and the heart of President Biden’s speech,' said Acting Deputy Press Secretary Sam Michel (LinkedIn/Sam Michel)

Joe Biden's speech blunders have recently been noticeable 

Biden’s gaffes have been on full display recently as the president has begun making more campaign event stops. One week in April featured no fewer than four embarrassing or controversial comments which included Biden appearing to repeat script instructions while reading a teleprompter.

"Imagine what we could do next. Four more years, pause," he said before laughing as the audience began chanting, "Four more years." Audience members could be heard laughing after his comment, but Biden continued, seemingly not noticing the mistake.

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 06: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference in the State
Joe Biden’s gaffes have been on full display recently as the president has begun making more campaign event stops (Getty Images)

Internet goes all out on Joe Biden as his continuous fumbles in speech continues

Netizens were seemingly disappointed with Biden's incompetence in delivering a proper speech. One X user tweeted, "Why do they have issues any corrections? Is that guy that incompetent? If so why is he still in that position? Doesn't anyone realize we are in the most vulnerable position in history? OMG!!!!!" 

Another wrote, "He’s the worst! Yet the media will ensure he wins the election! Such fraud!" "No surprise there… he can’t even read script anymore pathetic!!" added one user. One tweeted, "Why bother giving a speech when the majority of it needs to be corrected anyways? Just publish a transcript & Joe can leisurely go about his day. It might be too much for him to handle." 

"He shouldn't be allowed to speak. Exactly what you want in the leader of the free world," opined one user. 






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