Internet in stitches as Jimmy Kimmel roasts Rudy Giuliani for being served indictment papers on birthday

Internet in stitches as Jimmy Kimmel roasts Rudy Giuliani for being served indictment papers on birthday
Jimmy Kimmel was very amused that Rudy Giuliani was served with Arizona indictment papers during his birthday party in Florida (JimmyKimmelLive/Youtube; Getty Images)

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK: Upon his return from a week off, Jimmy Kimmel found great amusement in the news that Rudy Giuliani was served with indictment papers during his birthday party in Palm Beach, Florida over the weekend on the May 20 episode of 'Jimmy Kimmel Live.'

Reportedly, in April, Giuliani was indicted for his attempts to fraudulently overturn the 2020 presidential election in Arizona. Since then, he has been evading being formally served with the indictment.


Jimmy Kimmel mocks Rudy Giuliani over court summons

Kimmel quipped that it ranked as “the second most embarrassing thing that ever happened to Rudy Giuliani."

During his monologue, Kimmel played a video of the party, saying, "MAGA OG Rudy Giuliani, who celebrated his 80th birthday over the weekend, He had a party in Palm Beach where guests serenaded him with what might be the most off-key version of “Happy Birthday” ever recorded."

“And he died. Yes — no,” Kimmel quipped.

He continued, “So this is where it gets funny. Rudy, as you may know, has been charged with making false claims of voter fraud in Arizona after the election in 2020, and I guess he was feeling a little bit feisty because he posted, ‘If Arizona authorities can’t find me by tomorrow morning; 1. They must dismiss the indictment."'

(Getty Images)
Rudy Giuliani boasted of evading Arizona court officials before being served (Getty Images)

“So then two agents, they look at the video, they figure out where the party is, they show up and they serve him the papers. ‘Happy birthday dummy!’" Kimmel quipped.

“The attorney general from Arizona had been trying to track him down for weeks. This has to be the second-most embarrassing thing that ever happened to Rudy Giuliani. The first, of course, being the time he accidentally held a press conference outside a dildo store,” Kimmel added.

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - NOVEMBER 07: Attorney for the President, Rudy Giuliani speaks to the me
Rudy Giuliani speaks to the media in the back parking lot of Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia (Getty Images)

Kimmel was referring to when Donald Trump's increasingly frantic attempt to hold onto the White House took a turn into absurdity in November, 2020, when his campaign, including Giuliani, organized a supposedly significant press conference at a Philadelphia landscaping business located between a crematorium and a sex shop as per The Guardian

Netizens in stitches at Kimmel's mockery of Giuliani's birthday court summons

The online community was in stitches as Kimmel mocked Rudy Giuliani being served on his birthday

A viewer expressed, "Rudy, that’s what happens when you play with the Arizona Attorney General!! You get the Birthday present you deserve!!"


Following suit, another observer added, "Anyone who gets close to Trump has their life ruined."


A viewer pointed out, "What Jimmy forgot to add is that the guy in the green shirt behind Rudy singing along, is the marshal who served him the papers.... Priceless."


A follower contributed, "The second most embarrassing episode for Mr. Giuliani was the Borat hotel room, not getting served with papers."


A comment underscored, "Rudy, your enthusiasm turned out to be warranted."


Another comment echoed, "Happy belated birthday, I mean SERVED DAY Rudy!!"


An individual elaborated further, saying, "Rudy is a tragic case in point of how associating with Trump ruins your life; it's a mystery why anyone would touch Trump with a 10-ft pole after seeing this sorry Rudy saga."

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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