Internet slams 'hypocrite' Sean Hannity as he blames Joe Biden for border crisis with Valentine's Day dig

Internet slams 'hypocrite' Sean Hannity as he blames Joe Biden for border crisis with Valentine's Day dig
Sean Hannity had a Valentine's Day message for Joe Biden (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Fox News host Sean Hannity delivered his Valentine's Day message to President Joe Biden following the White House's utilization of a Valentine's Day meme to criticize House Speaker Mike Johnson regarding the border deal.

In his characteristically fiery style, Hannity used the occasion to highlight what he perceives as the Biden administration's failures and the pressing issue of the border crisis.


Hannity blasts Democrats for ignoring border crisis, slams Biden on Valentine's Day

Sean Hannity said, "Of course, the Democrats, they are completely ignoring the greatest real national security threat that is facing our country right now, every day, and has been since Joe became president."

Hannity didn't mince words in attributing the border crisis to President Biden's policies, citing the influx of nearly 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants since Biden took office.

Sean Hannity's first Valentine's Day message to President Biden (@FoxNews/Youtube)

Hannity's criticism extended to the White House's Valentine's Day tweet, which he deemed "bizarre" given the gravity of the border situation.

He mocked the message and offered his own twisted take on a Valentine's Day poem directed at President Biden, emphasizing the origins of immigrants crossing the border and insinuating potential nefarious intentions.

"In keeping with the spirit of Valentine's Day, I can't send Joe flowers, they wouldn't accept them from me," Hannity quipped, highlighting the contentious relationship between himself and the Biden administration. He seized the opportunity to underscore the human cost of the border crisis, invoking the specter of violence perpetrated by illegal immigrants.

Sean Hannity's second Valentine's Day message to President Biden (@FoxNews/Youtube)

"And thankfully, in less than nine months, you, the American people, have a chance to put an end to this national nightmare and defeat Joe Biden in November," Hannity concluded, framing the upcoming midterm elections as a referendum on Biden's handling of the border crisis and other pressing issues.

As the nation grapples with the fallout of Biden's immigration policies, Hannity's words served as a rallying cry for those who seek change and accountability in Washington.

Viewers react to Hannity's Valentine's Day message

People swiftly responded to Hannity's Valentine's Day message directed towards Joe Biden. 

One person toook to X writing, "They probably shouldn’t have aired this." 


 Another person wrote, "Just remember, if your family is from any of those countries, Hannity considers your presence in the country something he can blame on Biden".



Another said, "Something tells me Hannity isn't helping diversify the republican base." 

Other people chimed in, saying, "Shameful and such hypocrites" and that "Hannity regularly sinks to new lows".



"@seanhannity Roses are red, violets are blue, you sold your soul, and I will pray for you," wrote another.



"The CIA rejected Tucker and Hallmark rejected Hannity," said another. 


"Roses are red, Violets are blue. Sean's taking on A ghastly orange hue," said one person.

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