Internet slams Nikki Haley as new campaign ad warns Trump re-election would help Russia take over Ukraine

Internet slams Nikki Haley as new campaign ad warns  Trump re-election would help Russia take over Ukraine
Pictured (L-R): Nikki Haley, Donald Trump (Getty Images)

CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA: Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley's bid for the South Carolina primary is intensifying with a substantial increase in advertising expenditure. The campaign announced a significant injection of $2 million into their advertising efforts, swelling the total to $6 million ahead of the February 24 primary.

The latest salvo in Haley's campaign arsenal is a new 30-second TV ad titled "More Chaos," directly targeting former President Donald Trump. Shared with NBC News, the ad paints a stark picture of Trump's potential policies, echoing themes commonly wielded by Democrats.

New TV ad takes aim at Trump

"The chaos that surrounds him is bad enough. But what is Trump saying he’ll actually do in office?" the ad's narrator queries, setting the tone for a critique of Trump's proposed policies.

Central to the ad's message is Trump's proposal for a 10% tariff on trade imports. Trump initially floated this idea in August, advocating for a blanket tax on imported goods. “I think when companies come in and they dump their products in the United States, they should pay automatically, let’s say, a 10% tax," he said at the time.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen swiftly rebuked the plan. “It would certainly raise the cost of a wide variety of goods that American businesses and consumers rely on,” Yellen told reporters, adding, “In some cases, I think tariffs are appropriate.”

In addition to the tariff proposal, the ad pivots to Trump's recent remarks on NATO, where he suggested a laissez-faire approach toward Russia's actions against NATO countries that fail to meet their financial obligations. The ad characterizes this stance as a potential "Russian victory" that could exacerbate global instability.

“A Russian victory that will bring more war,” the ad’s narrator says. “With a world on fire and a crisis at home, with Trump, it’s just more chaos."


Haley, a vocal critic of Trump's foreign policy decisions, has been adamant on the campaign trail about the dangers posed by his rhetoric. She has accused Trump of jeopardizing both national security and international stability with his comments on NATO.

Responding to the increased advertising expenditure and heightened focus on Trump, Haley's spokesperson Olivia Perez-Cubas said, “With a world on fire and a crisis at home, America can’t afford Donald Trump’s chaos and unhinged policies.”

Social Media Backlash

However, the ad has sparked backlash from Haley's detractors on social media, with some accusing her of being out of touch with Republican values and aligning too closely with Democratic talking points against Trump.

"You are truly laughable! Trump has a record …we know what he will do, and we love it! This country was better under Trump than it had been since Reagan! You are an insufferable whiner, who constantly tries to play the victim! Just go away already!" one posted on X.

"How does this make sense? Under Trump, we had no wars. Only peace deals and the media hated it. Obama, Clinton, and Bushes went to war and the media never spoke badly of them. Are you sure you’re on the correct side?" another asked.

"The Trump tax cuts benefited all Americans, especially the bottom 50% who had record high take-home pay and household income. Trump will end wars, much to your disliking as well as start paying down debt. Why do you hate the country Nikki?" someone else added.

"The fact that you, an alleged Republican, blame all that's gone on since 2016 solely on Donald Trump--tells us all we need to know. Nikki, you are an extension of Democrat talking points--ergo, you are a Democrat," another chimed in.








Despite the aggressive advertising push, Haley continues to lag behind in public polling, facing an uphill battle to secure a significant victory in South Carolina. Nonetheless, with ample resources at her disposal, Haley's campaign remains determined to challenge Trump's influence in the state's primary race.

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