Jesse Watters divides Internet by claiming Joe Biden is accusing Donald Trump of 'doing exactly what he did'

'It will be called justice': Jesse Watters divides Internet by claiming Joe Biden is accusing Donald Trump of 'doing exactly what he did'
Jesse Watters argued President Joe Biden's campaign and the media are pushing another Donald Trump hoax (Fox News; Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: On June 7 episode of 'Jesse Watters Primetime', Fox News host Jesse Watters accused President Joe Biden's campaign and the media of propagating a new hoax about former President Donald Trump saying the former president would "jail his opponents" if elected in November.

Watters argued that claims suggesting Trump would jail his opponents if elected in November are misleading and coordinated to tarnish his reputation.


Jesse Watters accuses media of hypocrisy and taking Donald Trump's statements out of context

Watters began his monologue, saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have another hoax hot off the press from the Biden campaign," adding, "Donald Trump confirms plans to jail opponents'. Biden is now accusing Donald Trump of doing exactly what he did. Naturally, the campaign coordinated the hoax with the media."

In May, AP News reported that Biden aims to make the 2024 election a judgment on Trump's record and future plans while also encouraging voters to view his own policies and actions positively.

Watters highlighted how the media played a role in spreading this narrative.

Jesse Watters highlights new hoax :
Jesse Watters highlights new hoax  Donald Trump confirms plans to jail opponents (Fox News)

"We woke up this morning to headlines like these," he said. "The New York Times: 'Trump vows to prosecute rivals, put rule of law on the ballot,' 'Trump vows legal revenge against enemies', 'Trump wants retribution. That's dangerous, unlawful and un-American'. The guy who got a thrill up his leg is now getting a chill."

As per the news outlet, Trump's comments about his intended prosecutions serve an immediate political purpose, bolstering his claim that his New York conviction was orchestrated by Democrats to block his re-election and offer the tantalizing prospect of future retaliation to energize his base.

He suggested that the portrayal of Trump seeking revenge is hypocritical, especially given past actions by the current administration. "So not locking up the guy that locked you up is retribution. What if that's retribution? I want a refund."

Joe Biden is now accusing Donald Trump of doing exactly what he did. Naturally, the campaign coordinated the hoax with the media (Fox News)
Joe Biden is now accusing Donald Trump of doing exactly what he did. Naturally, the campaign coordinated the hoax with the media (Fox News)

Watters then clarified that Trump's statements were taken out of context.

"Trump didn't say he would lock his opponents up. He said he could because Democrats opened up a Pandora's box when they did it to him. 'Could' and 'would' – two different things. Plus, Trump says he wouldn't. It's bad for the country. But if you get your news from the Biden campaign, that's not what you heard because they clipped his words like this."

Joe Biden slammed for spreading hoax

Watters' claims struck a chord with viewers, as the online community voiced their opinion condeming Biden of his move. 

One viewer expressed, "Isn't it ironic that the Biden campaign accuses Trump of planning to jail opponents when Biden's own party has used legal systems against Trump? We wake up to headlines painting Trump as a vengeful autocrat, yet the reality is far different. Trump clarified he "could" pursue legal actions because Democrats set a precedent, not that he "would." Why does the left twist his words to create fear and division? It's time to see through these tactics and stand for truth and justice. How long will we allow media manipulation to dictate our beliefs? Shouldn't we demand honesty and integrity from our leaders instead of falling for these orchestrated hoaxes?"

Another viewer shared, "I don’t think there’s anything that this administration is saying that people with half a brain are believing. Nobody’s drinking Joes cool aid anymore."

One viewer pointed out, "If the Dems and their media cronies weren't fear-mongering or complaining, they'd have nothing to say."

A follower observed, "Yup the Democrats are up to their old bag of tricks, lies and misinformation."

One comment stated, "Yes, many automatically know by now. Dem is always actually doing what they accuse others of."

Another comment read, "It will be called Justice and Democrats will only have themselves to blame!"

"Biden has focused his campaign on Trump's flaws" Because that's all he's got. What else does he have to run on?" asked an individual.

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.   

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