Joe Biden gains significant support from independent voters but Internet calls them 'illegal immigrants'

Joe Biden gains significant support from independent voters but Internet calls them 'illegal immigrants'
Joe Biden's favorability stands at 41% with 53% viewing him unfavorably, as per data (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden has greatly improved his position with independent voters, a demographic critical to winning in important battleground states this November, revealed a new Marist poll in just less than ten days before the first presidential debate.

Biden now leads over Donald Trump (50%–48%) among independents, having overcome a 12-point deficit with this group compared to a May's Marist poll.

Donald Trump has been mocked by Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Joe Biden now leads over Donald Trump (50%–48%) among independents, having overcome a 12-point deficit with this group (Getty Images)

Donald Trump maintains lead over Joe Biden with 1 percentage point

In contrast, Trump leads by just one percentage point (50%–49%) among voters who say they will undoubtedly cast a vote in the general election in November.

However, among all registered voters, including those who say they are undecided but are leaning toward a candidate, the two are tied 49%–49%.

NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 12:  TV Personality Donald Trump attends the
Donald Trump leads by just one percentage point (50%–49%) among voters who say they will undoubtedly cast a vote in the general election in November 2024 (Getty Images)

Trump's overall lead over Biden stays at one percentage point (42%-41%) with the inclusion of independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr (11%) and Dr Cornel West (3%), as well as Green Party candidate Dr Jill Stein (1%) and Libertarian Party candidate Chase Oliver (1%).

White voters favor Trump 55%-43%, while non-White voters favor Biden 58%-40%. The two are tied at 50% each with voters under the age of 45, but Trump holds a slight advantage (49%-48%) with voters over the age of 45.

(Getty Images, Facebook/Jill Stein, Facebook/Chase Oliver)
Donald Trump's overall lead over Joe Biden stays at one percentage point (42%-41%) with the inclusion of independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr (11%) and Dr Cornel West (3%), as well as Green Party candidate Dr Jill Stein (1%) and Libertarian Party candidate Chase Oliver (1%) (Getty Images, Facebook/Jill Stein, Facebook/Chase Oliver)

Voters believe Donald Trump would handle the economy better, per data

Voters believe Trump would better handle the economy (54%-45%), immigration (54%-44%), and the US role on the world stage (50%-49%).

They believe Biden would better handle preserving democracy (52%-46%) and abortion (54%-42%). They also believe he cares more about the average person (50%-46%).

WILMINGTON, DE - NOVEMBER 25:  President-elect Joe Biden delivers a Thanksgiving address at the Quee
Voters believe Joe Biden would better handle preserving democracy (52%-46%) and abortion (54%-42%) (Getty Images)

A majority of people (30%) believe that inflation is the most important issue, followed by democracy (29%), immigration (18%), healthcare (8%), abortion (8%), and crime (6%).

Majority of the voters aren't satisfied with Joe Biden and Donald Trump as candidates

A majority of 55% of voters say they are not content with either Biden or Trump as the contenders, but more supporters of Biden (58%) than of Trump (49%) express dissatisfaction in particular. Biden's favorability stands at 41% with 53% viewing him unfavorably.

Similarly, only 42% of people think favorably of Trump, while 53% think negatively of him. Regarding his conviction on 34 counts of manipulating business documents last month, 51% of respondents think he should certainly or probably go to jail, while 47% disagree.

Trump and Biden will meet on an Atlanta stage for the first time in years on June 27 in a debate hosted by CNN.

(Getty Images)
Joe Biden and Donald Trump are set to meet on an Atlanta stage for the first time in years on June 27 in a debate hosted by CNN (Getty Images)

Internet terms the independent voters 'illegal immigrants'

Netizens mocked the Biden administration after they improved their position among independent voters.

One X user tweeted, "By making 500,000 illegals new voters, yes we know."

Another penned, "Exactly why trump needs to select Haley as VP to get those votes."

"The 'crucial voting group' is illegals," added one user.

"Illegal immigrants is the new voting group they speak of here. Almost like many of us were trying to warn about. TREASON," opined one while another wrote, "It would be a real shame if Biden wins again."






This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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