'Ignorant' RFK Jr draws flak as he reiterates argument against Gaza ceasefire, likens present situation to Nazi Germany

'Ignorant' RFK Jr draws flak as he reiterates argument against Gaza ceasefire, likens present situation to Nazi Germany
Robert F Kennedy Jr likened the situation in Gaza to Nazi Germany (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr reiterated his stance against a ceasefire in Gaza, likening the situation to how the Allied forces combatted Nazi Germany during World War II in the 1940s, as per The Hill.

In an appearance on 'Piers Morgan Uncensored' on Thursday, June 14, the White House hopeful explained his viewpoint more than a week after President Joe Biden proposed a three-phase Israel-led ceasefire plan to de-escalate the situation in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

RFK Jr asserted, "I would say that hostages have to be returned and Hamas has to be disarmed, or else how can you have peace?"


Piers Morgan questions RFK Jr's plan to disarm Hamas by highlighting the civilian casualties that may follow

Morgan interjected RFK Jr's proposal that was focused on the release of all hostages and the complete disarming of Hamas by pointing at how Palestinian civilians were killed every time an offensive against the group was launched. He also noted that Hamas was currently embedded in the refugee camps that sheltered millions of Palestinian refugees.

(Piers Morgan Uncensored/YouTube)
Piers Morgan questioned Robert F Kennedy Jr regarding his opposition to a Gaza ceasefire (Piers Morgan Uncensored/YouTube)

The host further mentioned that at least 210 Palestinian civilians died during the recent Israeli military operation to rescue four hostages.

"At what point does this desperation to eliminate the last members of Hamas get overtaken by the sheer volume of civilians being killed in the process, which I cannot believe will do anything longer term than ferment the ideology that drove Hamas in the first place," asked Morgan.

In response, RFK Jr recounted an argument between UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill and US President Franklin D Roosevelt in 1944 at the height of World War II.

"Roosevelt said we have to denazify Germany and if we don't denazify Germany … the Nazis are gonna rise up and do the same thing again. Churchill did not want an unconditional surrender for the Nazis. He said, 'We're gonna have to kill too many civilians to do that and everybody will fight for the death,' but Roosevelt won that argument," noted the environmental lawyer. 

Palestinian citizens inspect the damage to the Al-Sussi Mosque and their homes following Israeli air strikes in the Al-Shati Palestinian refugee camp on October 09, 2023 in Gaza City, Gaza. Almost 500 people have died in Gaza after Israel launched sustained retaliatory air strikes after Saturday's attack by Hamas. (Photo by Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images)
President Joe Biden recently proposed a comprehensive plan for a ceasefire in Gaza (Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images)

Emphasizing the Allied forces killed two million Germans to denazify Berlin during World War II, the White House hopeful pointed out how today's Germany is one of the wealthiest countries in Europe and the most powerful economy in the world, adding, "Nobody's scared of Germany because it's a peaceful country."

RFK Jr also voiced his opposition to those who advocated for a ceasefire in Gaza, arguing that Hamas' only goal is to eliminate all Jews.

Therefore, according to him, agreeing to a ceasefire would be an award to Hamas "for taking the hostages, and they're gonna keep taking hostages to get more and more advantage."

Internet slams Robert F Kennedy Jr as he doubles down on his opposition to a Gaza ceasefire

Netizens lashed out at RFK's reasoning behind opposing a ceasefire in Gaza and comparing his idea with the denazification of Germany during World War II.

One wrote, "So this guy would give in to terrorists?!? YET another reason why he is wholly unfit to run for president," and another said, "If Biden spoke like this then everyone would say he isn't fit to stand. The choice in America right now is so bad." 



A person argued, "This is where RFK loses me! There’s a lot I agree with him on! let’s be real, Hamas isn’t going to be disarmed! That is just the reality of things. The United States cannot be in the position of we get everything and you get crumbs. Hamas has an adjective, will fight to the death."

"RFK Jr, I'm shocked and disappointed and this is why I will never vote for you. You want to end forever wars but not genocide? What about the blood on Israel's hands and the American government that funds this slaughter? I thought you cared about human life. protect the innocent," expressed someone else. 

Another person remarked, "He has some great ideas but I’m the end he’s effing nutz! What happened to the Rosevelts and real Kennedy’s? This nut fell too far from the tree."




"Man who doesn’t believe in vaccines also believes in the power of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Go figure," said one more. 

An individual stated, "On @piersmorgan's show 'Uncensored,' @RobertKennedyJr's recent comments reveal either a lack of understanding or willful ignorance of the fact that the majority of Gaza's population consists of displaced refugees."



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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