Joe Concha calls out Biden for refusing to ‘accept basic reality’ as he discusses POTUS' ABC interview

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Fox News contributor Joe Concha joined the co-hosts on 'Fox & Friends Weekend' on Saturday, July 6, to discuss the takeaways from President Joe Biden's primetime interview on ABC.
The incumbent sat down with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos the previous night to allay concerns among his supporters following his abysmal performance in the first presidential debate against presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump on June 27.
While Biden shouldered the responsibility for the debate debacle and tried to brush it off as "a bad episode," he failed to cut a strong figure once again, and Rep Angie Craig (D-Minn) spoke out against him soon afterward.
Joe Concha's key takeaways from Joe Biden's ABC interview
"A few takeaways from the interview ... and none of them are good takeaways," began Concha when co-host Joey Jones asked about his thoughts.
"First, this refusal of the President to take a cognitive neurological test when asked on several occasions if he would. A majority of Democratic voters now want him to drop out of the race. More than three-quarters of the country overall say the same thing- that's a CNN survey saying that this week."
"So take the test, Mr President. Because otherwise, you look like you're in complete denial about what we all witnessed on that debate stage in Atlanta last week," he said of Biden.
"Another takeaway- Biden's refusal to accept basic reality," continued Concha. "Stephanopoulos informs him that his overall approval rating is at 36%, but he denies that number is real. Stephanopoulos also said that as it stands now, he would lose to Donald Trump, who leads in every swing state, and even in states like New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Virginia."
"Biden says that the polls that he sees, apparently he sees only, says otherwise. So this man came across as stubborn, defiant, and quite frankly, detached from reality. And it appears either the almighty himself, God, or Jill Biden, who fancies herself in the same manner given that she wants her husband to stay in the race knowing what she knows... those two persons -God and Jill Biden- could get Biden out of the race at this point."
Joe Concha feels ABC interview will not salvage Joe Biden's reputation
"There is a consistent theme that we have seen from Joe Biden, not just as a President or a presidential candidate, but going all the way back years and years to his days in law school. It was the lies that Joe Biden told last night, including ... that Trump was yelling at him the entire (debate) night when Trump's mic was turned down and that was distracting him. The fact that Stephanopoulos did not even push back on that was incredible," noted Concha.
"He also said that he was the guy who shut down Putin. I'm pretty sure Putin is not shut down," he jibed, before going on to reject Biden's claims regarding Trump suggesting bleach injections during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the creation of new jobs.
Concha further questioned why Biden needed days to prepare for press conferences and interviews as his leadership was in apparent jeopardy.
"Again, too slow, too, old, not remotely nimble enough for the job, nor to keep up with Donald Trump on the campaign trail. If the elections are held today, Trump wins (and) he wins quite easily," he concluded.